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Webinar - Solving the Secrets Management Puzzle

Secrets sprawl is showing no signs of a slowdown. Last month, we revealed 1 in 10 code authors exposed a secret on GitHub in 2022, collectively leaking 10 million secrets (you read that right, T-E-N) on the platform. This time, we're stepping beyond the data. We went on a (virtual) field trip and asked 500+ CISOs and engineering leaders how they currently deal with hardcoded secrets, how they intend to solve their organization's secrets management puzzle, their top priorities and investment areas in AppSec and Dev tooling, and many other questions!

Top Tips to Secure Your Organization from Cybercrime in Today's World | ChatGPT

In this informative video, we share our expert advice on how organizations can effectively safeguard themselves from the ever-present threat of cybercrime in today's world. By following these top tips, you can enhance your organization's cybersecurity posture and protect your valuable assets.

The Role of AI in Cybersecurity: Will it Replace Human Professionals?

In this thought-provoking video, we address one of the burning questions in the field of cybersecurity: Will AI replace human professionals in the future? While AI undoubtedly has the potential to automate certain tasks and enhance the efficiency of cybersecurity operations, it is unlikely to completely replace human cyber security professionals.

Here Come The Regulations 443 Podcast YouTube Short

This episode covers two new sets of cybersecurity regulations, fresh from the White House's National Cybersecurity Strategy publication, targeting different critical infrastructure sectors in the United States. We'll also cover the latest nation-state activity targeting network connectivity appliances and end with fun research into an oldie-but-goodie video game system.

CISO advice - building a comprehensive secrets management program

Jason Haddix is the CISO of BuddoBot and former CISO/Head of Security at UbiSoft. In this clip Jason explores why a comprehensive secrets management program is absolutely vital for a organizations. He walks us through his 4 step secrtes management plan he has rolled out to Detect, Prevent, Respond and Educate. Today Jason puts together his cyber leadership skills with his penetration testing background as the CISO of BuddoBot, a world class red team as a service organization that is designed to emulate and prepare your organization for real world attacks.