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Webinar - Zero-Day, DDoS, Bot & API Attack Trends

We analyzed 1 billion+ #zeroday, #DDoS, #API, and #bot attacks on 1400+ applications blocked in Q1 2023. And it's a 30% bump over Q4 2022! In this webinar, Vivekanand Gopalan, VP of Product Management, unfolds the findings after analyzing these attacks and gives actionable tips to protect businesses from emerging threats.

Top 5 Cybersecurity Concerns for Organizations | Current Industry Trends & Threats

In this video, we delve into the realm of cybersecurity and discuss the top five concerns that organizations should be vigilant about. Leveraging extensive data sets and insights from current industry trends, we identify the key cybersecurity threats that pose significant risks to businesses today.

Cloudflare WAF and Security Analytics Demo (3 min)

Cloudflare WAF with WAF Attack Score and Security Analytics enhance Cloudflare security capabilities. Security Analytics brings together all Cloudflare security detection capabilities in one place to show a detailed understanding of a site's traffic and threats. WAF Attack Score via machine learning scores every request with a probability of it being malicious. Cloudflare WAF rules can be configured using WAF attack score and/or bot score allowing for granular security policies.

Sysdig Training series - Introduction to Sysdig Secure

Kicking off our training series, this video offers an overview of the Sysdig Secure product, highlighting its capabilities in meeting compliance standards, managing vulnerabilities, and detecting threats within cloud and Kubernetes environments. Learn how Sysdig Secure's real-time visibility and automation aid in enhancing security posture and efficient incident handling in your infrastructure.