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Virtual Meetup: Advanced Threat Hunting & Monitoring with Elastic APM

Aligning security and risk management to the business strategy is imperative in driving value. With a “yes, and here’s how” attitude, CISO’s organization has now become a trusted advisor to the business enabled with preventative, detective, and responsive solutions. Tools such as application performance monitoring (APM) can shed light on the components that make up the organization’s DNA including the current COVID-19 impact and the need for a distributed workforce.

Managing a Remote Team

Remote work has been in existence and flourishing for quite a long time in the industry, even before the pandemic. But, the problem at hand, is for companies who need that one-to-one interaction, as and when needed. For instance, if you are a digital marketing agency, your marketing team and your sales team ought to be on the same page. Working remotely is something new for Appknox as well and hard for us as security teams need to be in close proximity with the server and each other to help and solve problems and issues quickly and swiftly.

Securing Container-Based Applications at the Speed of DevOps

Thanks to containerization and automation, applications are being developed and delivered faster than ever. With tools such as AWS ECR, developers are able to store, manage and deploy Docker container images without having to worry about operating their own container repositories or scaling the underlying infrastructure. With this, however, arise challenges around managing the security and compliance aspect of your container images. With tools such as WhiteSource, developers are able to manage the security of their containers and container images with no impact on agility and speed.

Whose vulnerability is it anyway?

Application security is a top priority today for companies that are developing software. However, it is also becoming more challenging and complex as release frequency continues to rise, more open source components are adopted, and the requirements for data security are getting stricter. Thanks to new DevOps practices and tools, development cycles are getting shorter, allowing organizations to meet market demands and deliver a superior customer experience, but is application security keeping up?