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Network Security for D2iQ Konvoy

By default, pods are non-isolated; they accept traffic from any source. The D2iQ Konvoy solution to this security concern is Network Security Policy that lets developers control network access to their services. D2iQ Konvoy comes preconfigured with Network Security Policy using Project Calico which can be used to secure your clusters. This class will describe a few use cases for network policy and a live demo implementing each use case.

Building Secure Go Projects with Free Vulnerability Scanning in VSC Code

Go 1.13 introduced important security features to Go Modules including a checksumdb that verifies that your dependencies haven’t been tampered with. While the integrity of the data can be verified this way - Go Modules can still have security vulnerabilities. Join this webinar to watch a technical walkthrough on how to keep your Go Modules secure.

Create Login Scripts with Selenium

In this video, you will learn how to use the Selenium IDE plugin to create a login sequence script that enables Veracode Dynamic Analysis to scan URLs that have form-based authentication. Veracode Dynamic Analysis delivers an automated capability to scan your web applications based on the URLs that you provide. If your website uses form-based authentication (a more complex login procedure than a user name and password, such as a token key or two-step authentication), you must upload a login script to your Dynamic Analysis so that Veracode can log in to application.