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Snyk Workflows - Ignores & PR Checks

Snyk integrates with your IDEs, repos, workflows, and automation pipelines to add security expertise to your toolkit. The “menu” of options available to you is extensive, so we created this three-part series to get you started and running. Do you want your dev teams and AppSec teams to be aligned? The second session of the series digs deeper into using ignore capabilities. You’ll also learn about PR checks. This is a great way to get ahead of permissions.

Stranger Danger: Your Java Attack Surface Just Got Bigger

Building Java applications today means that we take a step further from writing code. We use open-source dependencies, create a Dockerfile to deploy containers to the cloud, and orchestrate this infrastructure with Kubernetes. Welcome, you're a cloud native application developer! As developers, our responsibility broadened, and more software means more software security concerns for us to address.

Negotiating With Hackers to Unlock Your Data - What You Need to Know!

Are you concerned about the recent ransomware attacks? Tune into this episode to gain valuable insight into the complexities of negotiating with a ransomware group. In this episode, I am joined by cyber security experts, Richard Cassidy and Oliver Rochford, to share their experiences and knowledge to help you understand the impact of ransomware and how best to respond to ransomware groups if you find yourself in that situation.

iOS 2FA Setup for Websites and Apps

For added security on supported websites and apps, use Keeper to store two-factor authentication codes. When setting up 2FA on a site or app, Keeper for iOS can serve as your time-based one-time password or “TOTP” generator. This video will review how users can easily add a two-factor verification setup code or secret key from a website or app to a new or existing Keeper record. Initial Configuration Steps

What is API Security?

In a nutshell, API security refers to the strategies and tools organizations use to protect APIs from security vulnerabilities and malicious threats. Learn how protecting APIs differs from application security, as well as the four key pillars that make up API security - API discovery, posture management, runtime protection, and API security testing.

Code Signing Certificate: Best Price Guarantee | Ultimate Chat Support - SSL2BUY Customer Review

Our happy client is a budding programmer. For the program he was working on, he wanted to ensure the finest downloading experience for his clients. This led him to #SSL2BUY where he found the best deals on well-known Code Signing Certificates. SSL2BUY client was very pleased with the services. Moreover, he was able to find the best Code Signing certificate thanks to the smooth order and payment process and industry-leading customer assistance.

Navigating the Lack of Standardisation in Cybersecurity for Military Veterans

In this video, James Murphy discusses the issue of standardisation in the transition from the military to the civilian world. Cybersecurity is the perfect example to highlight this issue, as job titles and roles can vary greatly from company to company. He explores the confusion this lack of standardization can cause, and discuss the importance of understanding the differences between job titles and the actual tasks required in the role. Additionally, he discusses the certifications that are highly sought after in the cybersecurity industry, and how they can help military veterans make a smooth transition into this field.