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Protect your Hardware Security Module against edge cases with Code Intelligence

As vehicles become increasingly reliant on software, secure and functional Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) are paramount. Unknown vulnerabilities in your automotive software can pose a significant threat to your products and business by putting you at risk of coding errors or insecure configurations, which can be exploited by malicious actors or lead to consequential failures.

AWS CloudHSM vs. AWS KMS: Decoding the Best Encryption Solution for Your Business

Data protection is now one of the most acute problems of any business, be it a small venture or a corporate giant. In this dynamic and rapidly changing environment, the significance of strong encryption and proper practices for managing keys by organizations is gradually gaining acceptance. Amazon Web Services (AWS), the leading cloud computing platform, offers two powerful tools to safeguard sensitive data: The Cryptographic protocol for AWS CloudHSM and KMS are enlisted.

UniSuper's $125 Billion Cloud Catastrophe: Google's Accidental Deletion Reinforced the Importance of Backup Solution

The recent data loss incident involving UniSuper, a major financial player and Google Cloud serves as a reminder of the importance of implementing robust backup and disaster recovery solutions. Let’s delve into the details of the incident and explore why backups are essential for safeguarding against data disasters.

Rolling your own Detections as Code with Elastic Security

From its beginning, the Elastic detection-rules repo not only contained Elastic’s prebuilt detection rules, but also additional tooling for detection rule management — like a suite of tests, CLI commands, and automation scripts used by the Elastic Threat Research and Detection Engineering (TRaDE) team.

Insider Threats Maintain a Rising Trend

“When the cat’s away, the mouse will play,” the old adage goes. Filings to anti-fraud non-profit Cifas would support that claim, as Insider Threat Database (ITD) reports rose by 14% this past year and are largely attributable to hard-to-monitor work-from-home employees mixed with “increasing financial pressures.” The report details further incidents of dishonest behavior as recorded this year by the UK’s National Fraud Database (NFD).

Selecting the Optimal Threat Intelligence Platform in 5 Steps

To use threat intelligence and data more productively, many organizations are investing in a threat intelligence platform (TIP). Selecting a TIP is important as it will serve as the foundation for your entire security operations program, allowing you to understand and act upon the highest priority threats you face, while enabling you to get more from your existing resources — technology and people. However, amidst a plethora of options, selecting the right TIP can be daunting.

"Unknown" Initial Attack Vectors Continue to Grow and Plague Ransomware Attacks

Trend analysis of ransomware attacks in the first quarter of this year reveals a continual increase in the number of "unknown" initial attack vectors, and I think I might understand why. There are two reports that you should be keeping an eye on—the updated Verizon Data Breach Report and ransomware response vendor Coveware’s Quarterly Ransomware Reports. In their latest report covering Q1 of this year, we see a continuing upward trend in “unknown” as the top initial attack vector.