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What The Worst Attacks Of 2021 Can Teach Us On The Future Of Ransomware

Despite the steady drumbeat of hacks that are reported on a nearly weekly basis, it is safe to say that cybersecurity is still far from a “top of mind issue” for most people. Massive data breaches like Equifax, Marriott, and many, many more are chalked up to being yet another part of the modern life. While each of those cybersecurity incidents was quite serious in its own right, for the public whose data were compromised, they represented more of an inconvenience than a serious concern.

10 Ways to Improve Your Website Security (and Keep Your Customers Safe at the Same Time!)

Yes. There really are 10 fairly easy ways to improve your website security and protect your customers at the same time. But first, you may be asking “Why do I need to worry about my website security? Aren’t web applications safe? What could possibly go wrong?” We’re not in the business of peddling FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt), but… let’s be frank.

An "easy button" for blast radius identification and threat remediation

When your organization is inevitably hit by a cyberattack, you want your security operations engineers to move lightning fast to identify the scope, duration, and impact of the attack, contain the disruption and prevent any costly or lasting damage. To do that, they need access to actionable information about everything that’s in your network — where devices are located, how they interact, and all the relevant details about their configuration and state.

What is an Attack Vector? A Deep Dive Into Security Exposures

In cybersecurity, an attack vector is a method of gaining unauthorized access to a private network. These pathways are either unintentional, such as vulnerabilities in third-party software, or intentionally designed by hackers, such as malicious software (malware). Cybercriminals primarily exploit attack vectors to advance extorsion tactics, the most popular being the deployment of ransomware.

What are Web Shell Attacks? How to Protect Your Web Servers

During a web shell attack, a cybercriminal injects a malicious file into a target web server's directory and then executes that file from their web browser. After launching a successful web shell attack, cybercriminals could gain access to sensitive resources, recruit the target system into a botnet, or create pathways for malware or ransomware injections. If you haven't implemented defense strategies against this cyber threat, your systems are at a high risk of exploitation.

Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) - A Model for Everyone

Data breaches have reached a fever pitch over the last few years. The rapid frequency of successful attacks coupled with the rising costs to businesses has raised attention at the highest levels of global governments. In the past, breaches were relatively “localized,” that is, they affected the targeted company only. However, the newer attacks have disrupted entire supply chains.

Cyber Security Incident Response Plan - How to Create One?

Cyberattack is one of the common threats that modern businesses are facing today. Despite the growing threat landscape of cybersecurity attacks, many small and medium companies that experience data breaches and threats do not have adequate preparations. This includes prevention measures before the attack and incident response plans during/after the attack.

How to protect yourself from APTs to avoid incidents like the Microsoft Exchange case

APTs (Advanced Persistent Threat) have more serious consequences than conventional cyberattacks. The explanation for this lies in the fact that, on the one hand, the perpetrators spend much more time and effort (often promoted by government organizations), and on the other, the victims are also more high profile.

Hunting for Malicious PowerShell using Script Block Logging

The Splunk Threat Research Team recently evaluated ways to generate security content using native Windows event logging regarding PowerShell Script Block Logging to assist enterprise defenders in finding malicious PowerShell scripts. This method provides greater depth of visibility as it provides the raw (entire) PowerShell script output. There are three sources that may enhance any defender's perspective: module, script block and transcript logging.

Anatomy of a Cloud Infrastructure Attack via a Pull Request

In April 2021, I discovered an attack vector that could allow a malicious Pull Request to a Github repository to gain access to our production environment. Open source companies like us, or anyone else who accepts external contributions, are especially vulnerable to this. For the eager, the attack works by pivoting from a Kubernetes worker pod to the node itself, and from there exfiltrating credentials from the CI/CD system.