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Hacker Tools Used for Good as Exposed Amazon Cloud Storage Accounts Get Warnings

Responding to the all too familiar news of compromised Amazon cloud storage, security researchers have begun leaving “friendly warnings” on AWS S3 accounts with exposed data or incorrect permissions. The misconfiguration of access control on AWS storage “buckets” has been behind numerous high profile data breaches, including Verizon, The Pentagon, Uber and FedEx.

Hack my misconfigured Kubernetes at Kubecon Europe

In the last few years, we’ve seen more and more responsibilities shift left – to development teams. With the widespread adoption of Kubernetes, we’re now seeing configurations become a developer issue first and foremost. This responsibility means that developers need to be aware of the security risks involved in their configurations.

A hacker's approach to finding security bugs in open source software

Spencer Pearlman, Security Researcher at Detectify, presented A Hacker’s Approach to Finding Security Bugs in Open Source Software in a partnered webinar with friends at Debricked. Securing modern web applications takes new approaches, and this includes looking at it from a hacker’s perspective. Here are highlights from the presentation on how tech teams can apply the same hacker mindset to discover vulnerabilities in open-source software in their tech stack.

Genesis Market: A Hacker's Haven of Stolen Credentials

Netacea’s Threat Research team works diligently to keep a close eye on emerging bot threats, ensuring we stay one step ahead of cybercriminals and hackers. The team recently completed an exclusive investigation into the Genesis Market, an illegal online marketplace for stolen credentials. While many underground markets for stolen credentials operate from the anonymity of the dark web, Genesis Market is accessible from the open web.

5 Ways Your Cryptocurrency May be Hacked

Over time technologies evolved and now things that seemed to be not possible several years ago become the reality. Now you can order food, services, and basically anything you need online, and pay for it without leaving home. No surprise here, that cash payments are becoming a relic of the past. Along with wireless payments like Google or Apple pay (that still require assigning a banking account or card i.e. physical currency), the cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are getting widely used.

Veracode Hacker Games: The Results Are In!

The first ever Veracode Hacker Games competition has come to a close, but were the flaws in favor of our brave competitors? Read on to find out. Over the course of the two-week challenge, students from several universities in the U.S. and the U.K. came together to explore vulnerabilities and threats that they’ll one day face on the job.

White Hat, Black Hat, and Grey Hat Hackers: What Do They Do, and What Is the Difference Between Them?

Picture this: a young person is in a dark room. The only thing visible is their figure, as it is just barely lit by the blinding LEDs of their computer screen. They type furiously on an ergonomic keyboard as thousands of lines of neon green monospace text fly across the screen. Click-clack-click-clack-click-clack.