Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


WhiteSource is Now Mend: You Code, We Cure

In 2011, my co-founders Azi Cohen, Ron Rymon, and I founded WhiteSource with a mission to automate all tasks surrounding the use and security of open source software. We were pioneering the software composition analysis (SCA) market before it had a name. Over the years, we’ve evolved to offer more value to our customers beyond our founding purpose.

Mend Explainer

Mend, formerly known as WhiteSource, effortlessly secures what developers create. Mend uniquely removes the burden of application security, allowing development teams to deliver quality, secure code, faster. With a proven track record of successfully meeting complex and large-scale application security needs, the world’s most demanding software developers rely on Mend. The company has more than 1,000 customers, including 25 percent of the Fortune 100, and manages Renovate, the open source automated dependency update project.

What we learned at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2022: From presentations to accolades

It was a busy week last week at KubeCon +CloudNativeCon Europe 2022 in Valencia, Spain. It seemed like the entire world related to Kubernetes came together after two years of being apart. It was fulfilling meeting up with our peers and gaining market insight- face-to-face. Catalogic’s core messaging this year has revolved around cyber-resilience for data protection.

5th anniversary of WannaCry: What we have learned

Five years ago this month, the WannaCry ransomware attack encrypted an estimated 230,000 systems running Windows in private and public sector organizations globally, including high-profile companies like FedEx, the NHS and Honda. The financial impact was substantial; Symantec estimated WannaCry caused about $4 billion in losses

Securing Your MongoDB Database

Securing databases is a significant aspect of an organization’s infrastructure and security practices. This article explores the methodologies and steps for securing MongoDB Database, a popular non-relational, flexible, and document-oriented database. Before starting, you should understand the difference between self-hosted MongoDB and MongoDB Atlas.

Look For These SBOM Features to Future Proof Your Software Supply Chain

Cybersecurity attacks aren’t aimed solely at individual organizations anymore. In a growing number of cases, these incidents are affecting numerous companies within supply chains. Just look at some of the recent cyber events, including the attacks against Solarwinds and Kaseya, and vulnerabilities such as the one discovered in Log4j in late 2021. These incidents reveal weaknesses within supply chains that can lead to repercussions for hundreds or thousands of companies.

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Port scanners and open ports: What you should know

When it comes to securing your network from intrusion or attacks, one of the most commonly followed security measures is to regularly scan your network ports and close all open ports. This is because open ports can expose your network to several security vulnerabilities. To tackle the risks introduced by open ports, network admins rely on port scanners. Port scanners help you identify, inspect, and analyze network ports, and aid in reducing your network's attack surface by closing open ports. This makes port scanners an indispensable tool to ensure network security. In this post, we discuss what open ports are, their vulnerabilities, and how you can defend your network with port scanners.