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Architecting Cyber Resilience: Building Your Breach and Attack Simulation Program

In recent years, breach and attack simulation (BAS) has gained significant traction among enterprises, emerging as a crucial component in fortifying proactive security by automating the ongoing testing of threat vectors. It empowers organizations to verify potential threats, enhance security controls, identify vulnerabilities in critical assets, and prioritize remediation efforts to bolster cyber resilience.

The Impact of PCI DSS 4.0 on Organizational Penetration Testing Strategies

PCI DSS version 4.0 recently took effect on March 31, 2024, and includes no less than 63 new requirements. This is the first update of the information security standard designed to defend against payment and credit card fraud since the release of PCI DSS v3.2 eight years ago.

Beyond One-Size-Fits-All: Why You Need Security Tailor-Made for Mobile

It's an undeniable truth that significant differences exist across many facets of life. Sports figures like LeBron James and Michael Jordan possess exceptional talent, which has propelled them to accomplish feats that defy human capability. Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk's extraordinary business achievements make them the epitome of success and a source of inspiration for many. These examples underscore a crucial point: Some things are just better than others.

Salt Security Addresses Critical OAuth Vulnerabilities Enhancing API Security with OAuth Protection Package

OAuth is an important part of modern authorization frameworks, granting access to resources across different applications easily. However, vulnerabilities in OAuth implementations can create significant security risks. Following research released by Salt labs that uncovered critical vulnerabilities in the world's most popular authorization mechanism, Salt has released a multi-layered protection package to detect attempts to exploit OAuth and proactively fix the vulnerabilities.

Hype to Hope: Can VR Headsets be Made Secure Enough for the Enterprise?

Reading this recent Wall Street Journal article about Apple’s push to drive adoption of their Vision Pro “spatial computers” in the enterprise got me thinking: Can VR headsets really make the leap from a cool gadget to a serious business tool? The potential is exciting—imagine the possibilities for collaboration and training. But then my security-focused brain kicked in. How do we manage the risks that come with introducing these powerful devices into the workplace?

The Role of FedRAMP in Federal Agency Digital Transformation and Cybersecurity

Not too long ago, when I was designing, building, operating and defending networks, the government organizations I worked with were burdened with many tasks related to deploying a new capability. We needed to decide and plan how it would be assessed and authorized, deployed, maintained, operated, patched, defended and, of course, when and how to upgrade the capability. Assessment and authorization would take months, if not over a year, for a system or set of capabilities.

Navigating Network Security: A Structured Approach to Security Testing

Companies must prioritise a comprehensive and proactive approach to network security. Among the most effective strategies to ensure robust defence mechanisms is rigorous penetration testing. By adopting an “assumed breach” mentality, organisations can better prepare for potential attacks, ensuring they are not merely reacting to threats but actively preventing them.

How Organizations Can Prevent Credential Theft

Credential theft is one of the most common methods used by cybercriminals to gain unauthorized access to an organization, according to Verizon’s 2023 Data Breach Investigations Report. Credential theft places organizations at a greater risk of data breaches, so steps must be taken to prevent it.