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Impact of the New SEC Cyber Incident Reporting Rules on the C-Suite and Beyond

We recently hosted a compact and very engaging panel discussion about the new SEC Cyber Incident Reporting Rules due to come into effect later this year. We were fortunate to be joined by two well-known experts: In the post, we will *not* rehash what was said in the panel discussion. If you did not get to attend the live session, we invite you watch it on-demand – it’s 30 minutes well spent!

Uncover API Vulnerabilities with Posture Management

API posture management ensures that you put your best foot forward when it comes to API security. It combines API discovery with sensitive data identification and vulnerability detection, so your remediation efforts focus on the most critical APIs first. The ability to identify API vulnerabilities and remediate them quickly allows you to take corrective action before an attack occurs.

What is API Runtime Protection?

API runtime protection is the process of securing APIs as they operate and manage requests during their normal functioning. Blocking runtime API threats requires an understanding of the context of operations for each individual API, including API access, usage, and behavior. In addition, runtime protection should log API traffic, monitor sensitive data access, detect threats, and block or remediate attack vectors.

What is API Discovery?

In order to protect your entire API estate—and your business—you need to be able to discover all APIs in use of every type using automated processes. It’s essential to know which APIs you have exposed at all times—this is sometimes called an inside-out approach to API discovery. However, it has also become critical to discover potential attack vectors that make APIs vulnerable using an outside-in approach.

What is a Web Application Firewall (WAF)?

A web application firewall, better known as a WAF, is a security device designed to protect organizations at the application level. WAFs achieve this goal by monitoring, filtering, and analyzing traffic between the internet and a web application. Acting as a reverse proxy, the purpose of a common web application firewall is to shield applications from malicious requests.

What is API Management?

Application programming interfaces, or APIs, connect software applications and data sources to one another. Given the breadth of their reach, it’s wise for organizations to engage in proactive API management, which keeps APIs running reliably and securely. API management incorporates many different tasks and processes. It spans API creation and API publishing and continues through the full API lifecycle through retirement. API management also involves monitoring APIs for performance and adherence to service level agreements, or SLAs.

What is penetration testing?

Penetration testing (or pen testing for short) involves performing simulated, fully authorized attacks on a company’s IT infrastructure and network. These attacks seek to exploit the system’s security loopholes. The objective of the tests is to assess the system’s robustness and preparedness against different types of breaches and glean lessons and insights that ultimately serve to strengthen its security even further.

The Role of API Inventory in SBOM and Cyber Security

Creating a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) is crucial to software supply chain security management. It helps fortify your software supply chain and reduces the likeliness of your software being exploited. But did you know there's a way to enhance your software's security further? Well, that's when API inventory comes into the picture. Including API inventory in your SBOM can make your software solution more resilient to cyberattacks.

Why is API security the next big thing in Cybersecurity?

APIs, formally known as application programming interfaces, occupy a significant position in modern software development. They revolutionized how web applications work by facilitating applications, containers, and microservices to exchange data and information smoothly. Developers can link APIs with multiple software or other internal systems that help businesses to interact with their clients and make informed decisions.