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Using OPA for multicloud policy and process portability

How Open Policy Agent allows developer teams to write and enforce consistent policy and authorization across multicloud and hybrid cloud environments As multicloud strategies become fully mainstream, companies and dev teams are having to figure out how to create consistent approaches among cloud environments.

Learn About CloudCasa - Kubernetes and Cloud Native Data Protection for Free

Would your team benefit from a simple and easy to use Kubernetes backup service that does all the hard work for you to backup and protect your multi-cloud, multi-cluster, applications and cloud native databases? A cloud-based service so easy to use that even developers won’t mind managing backups?

SaaS Design Principles with Kubernetes

It seems like nowadays, every company is a SaaS company. We’ve even begun stratifying by what is sold, replacing the “software” in SaaS to whatever the product’s core competency is, search-as-a-service, chat-as-a-service, video-as-a-service. So, when we, at Teleport, set sail for the cloud after years of successfully navigating on-prem software, we came in with a different set of experiences.

Amazon Addresses Best Practice Secrets Management with AWS Secrets Manager

Data breaches are becoming increasingly common, and one factor driving this escalation is the fact that today’s IT systems are integrated and interconnected, requiring login information from multiple parties and services. In response, Amazon Web Services has launched the AWS Secrets Manager, a service designed to help organizations get a handle on these “secrets” by storing and accessing them in a secure way.

Best Server Monitoring Software Tools

If you don’t know the state of your network and server health every second of the day, you’re like a blind pilot inevitably headed for disaster. Fortunately, the market now offers many good tools, both commercial and open source, for network and Windows Server monitoring. We’ve put together a list of best open source, free and paid Windows Server monitoring tools that have proven their value in networks of many sizes.

This is the Year We Strengthen Cybersecurity Through Collaboration

Cybercrime pays no regard to international borders, and effectively fighting cybercrime is a process that has always relied upon countries collaborating and sharing data. As geopolitical manoeuvres have cast uncertainty around some of our established mechanisms for collaboration, many in this sector have felt a degree of trepidation heading into this year.

New 5G consumption trends demand a new approach to security

We are in the midst of unprecedented transformation – both business transformation and technical transformation. From a technology perspective, 5G will change where and how we harness compute power and promote unforeseen product and service innovation. Once 5G attains critical mass with a robust ecosystem, it will touch nearly every organization, promising new revenue potential across a myriad of industries.