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How to

How to Build a Culture of Urgency

Darwin said it's not the strongest or the smartest that survive and thrive, but the quickest to adapt to change. Speed is everything if you want to run a company successfully. To do that, you need to build a culture of operating with urgency. That doesn’t mean you run frazzled or do a million things simultaneously. Nor does it mean being too flexible and nice when dependent teams tell you, “Go wait.”

Sysdig CSPM remediates security issues in seconds

Automate security issue fixes in seconds and reduce cloud risk with Sysdig. Let's dig in! We know cloud teams have tons of security issues. You can be spending hours trying to understand if those findings pose a real risk in your cloud environment. So, how can you shorten the time needed to triage every misconfiguration and take action on those that really matter to you? Discover how Sysdig aggregates security findings by root cause and prioritizes remediation based on impact and risk.

Backup-as-a-Service using Ondat Snapshots with Cloudcasa

Kubernetes has challenges in managing storage, working out how to make persistent volumes ready for high-scale production workloads, and ensuring the data in those persistent volumes is protected. Watch this short video to see how CloudCasa and Ondat help you free your data and migrate workloads between Kubernetes providers. With a simple snapshot, backup and restore, you are ready to use Kubernetes to deliver the next generation of data intensive solutions for your business.

7 Questions to Ask Your DDoS Mitigation Provider

Digital businesses are constantly attacked by DDoS (Distributed Denial-Of-Service) attacks, which attempt to make a website or online service offline by flooding it with traffic from multiple sources. These attacks can be disruptive and costly for companies, and no industry is immune to them. About Indusface Indusface is a SaaS company that secures critical Web applications of 2000+ global customers using its award-winning platform that integrates Web application scanner, Web application firewall, CDN, and threat information engine.

Rubrik and GraphQL - Episode 4 - Powershell

Powershell is by far the most widely utilized SDK that Rubrik provides. While an SDK is currently under development to cover off everything Rubrik Security Cloud and GraphQL, this episode will show you how to make raw GraphQL API calls into the Rubrik platform using the infamous scripting tool. You will see how to form various queries and mutations within Powershell, and how to parse the returned responses - performing real-world automation scenarios with Powershell and Rubrik.