Sysdig CSPM remediates security issues in seconds

Sysdig CSPM remediates security issues in seconds

Sep 14, 2022

Automate security issue fixes in seconds and reduce cloud risk with Sysdig. Let's dig in!

We know cloud teams have tons of security issues. You can be spending hours trying to understand if those findings pose a real risk in your cloud environment.

So, how can you shorten the time needed to triage every misconfiguration and take action on those that really matter to you?

Discover how Sysdig aggregates security findings by root cause and prioritizes remediation based on impact and risk.

Read more on our blog:

Prioritize Alerts and Findings with Sysdig Secure

Fixing potential security issues in your Infrastructure as Code at the source with Sysdig

KSPM and How to improve your Kubernetes Security Posture

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00:00 The challenges of prioritizing security issues

00:26 The new Sysdig Secure home

01:02 The new TODO section

01:32 The new Remediation Guru

02:10 Benefits of Sysdig Secure
