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Unlocking Efficiency with Centralized Management for Veeam

When it comes to data management and disaster recovery, organizations continually seek innovative solutions to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and bolster resilience. While the standard out of the box tools work for most organizations, some need expanded control and capabilities. In these cases, centralized management is a logical solution that provides administrators with the ability to orchestrate complex IT environments from a single, unified interface.

BDRSuite - A Comprehensive Backup & Disaster Recovery Solution

BDRSuite is a comprehensive and most cost-effective Backup and Disaster Recovery Software designed to protect Virtual Machines (VMware, Hyper-V, KVM, oVirt, Proxmox), Servers (Windows, Linux, NAS), Endpoint (Windows, Linux, Mac), SaaS Applications (Microsoft 365, Google Workspace), Cloud Workloads (AWS, Azure), and Applications & Databases (Microsoft Exchange Server, SQL Server, SharePoint, MySQL, PostgreSQL)

Crash-Consistent Backup vs Application-Consistent Backup

In the world of data backup and recovery, you would have come across the terms crash-consistent backup and application-consistent backup very frequently. With these types of backup you can ensure the recover ability and availability of the backed up data. Understanding the difference between the two backup methods is crucial for organizations seeking to implement effective data protection strategies.

Full VM Recovery: Steps to restore your Virtual Machines completely

Full VM recovery can restore an entire virtual machine (VM) to its original state from a backup. It involves recovering all the VM’s components, including the operating system, applications, configurations, and data. With the Full VM Recovery option, you can restore the backup virtual machine/VM Template data to the same or different VMware host/server exactly in the same state as it was during the backup.

Incremental vs. Differential Backup: Balancing Speed and Storage

Data protection is critical for IT professionals, but choosing between incremental vs. differential backup strategies can be complex. While full backups are key, their limitations in speed, storage, and flexibility become apparent as your data grows. Incremental backups offer a more efficient solution, backing up only the data that has changed since the last backup. This strategy significantly reduces backup time, minimizes storage requirements, and scales well for growing datasets.

The Cloud Storage and EU GDPR: Steps to Compliance

For those only just tuning into this conversation, the EU Commission negotiated and finalized the text of what is called the “General Data Protection Regulation” (GDPR) in December of 2015. This was officially approved as law in April 2016 and comes into effect on May 25, 2018. And, if you’re an organization that does business in the EU or even has customers from those geographies, this could significantly change the way you do business.

Security Considerations When Using the Public Cloud

As we reach the end of our five-part series on “Secure Cloud Adoption in the Enterprise”, we thought it would be useful to summarize the discussion and also leave with you a few important things to consider when you make the decision to use the public cloud. Clichéd as it may sound, Security and Privacy are probably two of your most important security concerns in cloud computing as an IT executive.

GDPR - Do You Need to Comply?

I thought it would be a good idea to revisit GDPR, just as a reminder to all of us to take stock and see how ready we are. For the uninitiated, the EU Commission, Parliament, and Commission negotiated and finalized the text of what is called the “General Data Protection Regulation” (GDPR) in December of 2015. This was officially approved as Law in April 2016 and goes into effect on May 25, 2018.

Separation of Duties - Data Privacy and Security

Security and privacy often get conflated even though they are quite different things. When it comes to digital assets, security is often associated with organizations, while privacy is associated with individuals. The truth though is that both are important elements in any digital strategy and can impact both individuals and organizations.

Is Ransomware protection important for GDPR compliance?

This question came up at a GDPR event at which I recently spoke. Most of the attendees were from their respective Legal, GRC, or CISO offices; a legally astute, but also a very technical audience. One of the speakers who went up before I did, brought this up – as he was trying to draw the distinction between different types of cyber threats.