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How to recover instantly using Disk Mount Recovery

The Disk Mount Recovery option mounts the backed-up VM’s disk to the Disk Management Service of the Microsoft Windows machine on which the BDRSuite Backup Server is hosted; it is done through BDRSuite Virtual Drive that grants access to your backup data instantly through the file explorer, without having to restore the entire backup.

How to Migrate from VMware to OpenShift Virtualization - Step by Step Instructions

This blog provides detailed steps to show you how to move from VMware to Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization using Red Hat’s MTV Operator (Migration Toolkit for Virtualization Operator). To further help the reader, you can see a video of Trilio for OpenShift here Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization and KubeVirt Backup & Recovery with Trilio, and a whitepaper about Trilio VMware migration to OpenStack Technology-Driven VMware to OpenStack Migration: A Comprehensive Guide.

BDRSuite Overview - Data Backup and Recovery solution

BDRSuite is a comprehensive and most cost-effective Backup and Disaster Recovery Software designed to protect Virtual Machines (VMware, Hyper-V, KVM, oVirt, Proxmox), Servers (Windows, Linux, NAS), Endpoint (Windows, Linux, Mac), SaaS Applications (Microsoft 365, Google Workspace), Cloud Workloads (AWS, Azure), and Applications & Databases (Microsoft Exchange Server, SQL Server, SharePoint, MySQL, PostgreSQL)

Cloud Disaster Recovery: A Complete Overview

The cloud provides multiple benefits for running services and storing data. Just like with data stored on-premises, data stored offsite and in the cloud should be backed up. Data stored in the cloud is not invulnerable by default, as the risk of data loss is still present due to accidental deletions and cloud-specific threats. At the same time, the cloud can be useful for disaster recovery.

How to Recover a Full VMware vSphere VM From a Backup

NAKIVO Backup & Replication proporciona múltiples opciones de recuperación para máquinas virtuales VMware vSphere, permitiendo una rápida restauración de las operaciones normales de negocio en caso de interrupciones o pérdida de datos. Siga los pasos de este vídeo para aprender a recuperar completamente una máquina virtual VMware vSphere a partir de un backup existente utilizando NAKIVO Backup & Replication.

DLP Security: Benefits, Implementation, and Common Pitfalls

Regardless of the industry, the risks associated with data loss are significant. Financial services, healthcare, government, technology, and many other fields – all rely heavily on sensitive data. The Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC) reports that the number of data compromises in the United States hit a record high of 1,802 in 2022. This emphasizes the alarming increase in data security incidents.

GitHub Advanced Security Features And Security In Jira

When it comes to software development, security is a necessary element. That is why we will analyze GitHub Advanced Security and how Jira supports this DevSecOps feature. GitHub Advanced Security brings a range of tools to the table, such as code scanning, secret scanning, and dependency review – customized to identify vulnerabilities before they escalate. Jira integrates project management, turning the complex task of tracking and managing security issues into a streamlined process.