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Everything you need to know about the LummaC2 stealer: Leveraging IDA Python and Unicorn to deobfuscate Windows API Hashing

In this blog post, the KrakenLabs team will take a deep dive into a malware sample classified as LummaC2, an information stealer written in C language that has been sold in underground forums since December 2022. We assess LummaC2’s primary workflow, its different obfuscation techniques (like Windows API hashing and encoded strings) and how to overcome them to effectively analyze the malware with ease.

Store & manage secrets like API keys in Python - Tech Tip Tuesdays

In this video, we explore how to securely manage secrets like API keys, passwords, credential pairs, and other sensitive information in python. We run through the basics of using environment variables and move onto more advanced senarios such as managing different secrets for multiple environments.

How to Ingest Data into Falcon LogScale Using Python

This post covers how to ingest data into CrowdStrike Falcon® LogScale from your MacOS platform using Python. This guide is great for setting up a one-node proof of concept (POC) so you can take advantage of LogScale’s free trial. Before you can write your ingest client, you must prepare a good foundation. That means preparing your MacOS instance via the following steps: Ready? Let’s get started.

The dangers of setattr: Avoiding Mass Assignment vulnerabilities in Python

Mass assignment, also known as autobinding or object injection, is a category of vulnerabilities that occur when user input is bound to variables or objects within a program. Mass assignment vulnerabilities are often the result of an attacker adding unexpected fields to an object to manipulate the logic of a program.

CSPRNG: Random algorithms need security too!

If I throw a coin high up in the air, I know the outcome — it will either be heads or tails. However, I can’t predict which it will be. I will certainly be able to guess with a 50% chance, but I can’t be 100% certain. If I were to roll a die, my certainty becomes less (1 in 6). However, I still know what the output could be. Computers are great at many things, especially predictability. They are deterministic and creating a truly random number is impossible.

Using Python libraries for secure network communication

Python is a popular and powerful programming language that is often used for building web applications, data analysis, and automation. One of the key challenges in such projects is ensuring the security of network communication, which can be vulnerable to various threats such as man-in-the-middle attacks and eavesdropping. Fortunately, Python offers a range of libraries for encrypting and securing network communication.