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Authorize better: Istio traffic policies with OPA & Styra DAS

Cloud native tooling for authorization is an emerging trend poised to revolutionize how we approach this oft-neglected part of our applications. Open Policy Agent (OPA) is the leading contender to become a de-facto standard for applying policies to many different systems — from workloads running on Kubernetes to requests passing through Istio.

How to publish Node.js Docker images to Docker Hub registry using GitHub Actions

In a previous post, we presented a step-by-step tutorial on how to publish Node.js Docker images to GitHub Packages registry using GitHub Actions. In this post, we’ll focus on publishing the Docker image that we build to the public Docker Hub registry. Why is this useful you might ask? The Docker command line application docker has a default registry setting for which points to the Docker Hub registry.

Kubernetes Hardening Guidance Summary

The National Security Agency (NSA) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) have published comprehensive recommendations for strengthening the security of an organization’s Kubernetes system to help companies make their Kubernetes environment more difficult to compromise. This 52-page cybersecurity technical report offers practical guidance for admins to manage Kubernetes securely, focusing on the common three sources for a compromised Kubernetes environment.

Kubernetes security issues: An examination of major attacks

In a never-ending game of cat and mouse, threat actors are exploiting, controlling and maintaining persistent access in compromised cloud infrastructure. While cloud practitioners are armed with best-in-class knowledge, support, and security practices, it is statistically impossible to have a common security posture for all cloud instances worldwide. Attackers know this, and use it to their advantage. By applying evolved tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs), attackers are exploiting edge cases.

Kubernetes version 1.22 release - everything you should know

Kubernetes version 1.22, the latest release of Kubernetes, comes with bug fixes, enhancements, and new features that make the platform more stable, scalable, and user-friendly. There are a total of 56 improvements with different maturity levels and a considerable number of API removals. In this article, I’ll focus on the security-related changes in Kubernetes as well as a few other significant changes in Kubernetes API and usability.

Graphical policy editing in Styra Declarative Authorization Service

Open Policy Agent (OPA) is rapidly becoming a cornerstone in the management and maintenance of secure and compliant systems that align with industry and organizational best practices. As more organizations begin — or continue — their cloud-native digital transformation, the importance of policy-as-code only increases. Sometimes, though, becoming an expert in yet another tool or language isn’t in the cards.

Prepare your Kubernetes cluster for Pod Security Policy deprecation

The Kubernetes community created a feature in v1.10 called Pod Security Policy (PSP) to control the security-related fields for pods defined in your Kubernetes cluster. Now that PSP is being deprecated in Kubernetes v1.21, what should you do to secure your Kubernetes cluster? In this blog, we’ll learn a bit about PSP, explore why it’s being deprecated and how Open Policy Agent (OPA) can ease the migration from PSP.

What is the MITRE ATT&CK Framework for Cloud? | 10 TTPs You should know of

In any case, by using the MITRE ATT&CK framework to model and implement your cloud IaaS security, you will have a head start on any compliance standard since it guides your cybersecurity and risk teams to follow the best security practices. As it does for all platforms and environments, MITRE came up with an IaaS Matrix to map the specific Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) that advanced threat actors could possibly use in their attacks on Cloud environments.

How to mitigate CVE-2021-33909 Sequoia with Falco - Linux filesystem privilege escalation vulnerability

The CVE-2021-33909, named Sequoia, is a new privilege escalation vulnerability that affects Linux’s file system. It was disclosed in July, 2021, and it was introduced in 2014 on many Linux distros; among which we have Ubuntu (20.04, 20.10 and 21.04), Debian 11, Fedora 34 Workstation and some Red Hat products, too. This vulnerability is caused by an out-of-bounds write found in the Linux kernel’s seq_file in the Filesystem layer.

Kubernetes Quick Hits: Use SecurityContext to drop unnecessary Linux Capabilities

In this episode of our Kubernetes Quick Hits video series, Eric Smalling–Sr. Developer Advocate at Synk– talks about Linux Capabilities and why you probably can run with none of them enabled. Linux Capabilities is item number six from our recently published cheatsheet, 10 Kubernetes Security Context settings you should understand, check it out and start securing your Kubernetes application deployments today!