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Endpoint Detection & Response: The First Line of Defense

In this 2-minute video, AlienVault's Javvad Malik explains why endpoint detection and response (EDR) is an essential part of a robust security and compliance program. AlienVault USM Anywhere includes EDR capabilities as part of the Unified Security Management (USM) platform.

Considering Architecture When Building a SOC

SOC architecture is a vital component to consider when building an effective and reliable SOC. It includes the consideration of SOC locations and centralization, SOC architecture and organizational size, SOC staffing, and SOC mixing up with a cloud. The subsequent sections delve into these essential points in great details.

What Makes SOC Effective? People, Process, and Technology

In the evolving world of technology, cybersecurity threats are growing exponentially and, therefore, enterprises are seeking for standardized and automated Security Operation Centers (SOCs) to address these threats effectively. Though SOC standardization and Automation is of paramount importance, yet there are some other critical factors that must be considered when building an effective and reliable SOC.

Investigation or Exasperation? The State of Security Operations

Cyberattacks are top of mind for organizations across the globe. In fact, 62 percent of firms are being attacked at least weekly and 45 percent are experiencing a rise in the number of security threats. But do organizations have the processes in place to investigate and effectively respond to these incidents? IDC recently surveyed security decision makers at 600 organizations to understand the state of security operations today.

All You Need to Know About Incident Response

Security incidents are increasing with each passing day. Some of the recent incidents have impacted globally and resulted in catastrophic damages to organizations. The interlinked and complex information technology infrastructure, on which the whole world relies, provides ample space and opportunities for incidents to escalate into disaster.

How Can I Build a Cost-efficient SOC?

IT security breaches have become a norm of the day at innumerable organizations around the world. Most of the attacks indicate that the enterprises should highly focus on their mitigation capabilities, incident detection, and investigation processes. Preventing highly sophisticated cyber attacks is a daunting task unless companies have the capability to detect and then respond quickly.