Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

July 2020

A Unified Security Operations Platform: Splunk Mission Control

Security is easy, right? Get yourself a patchwork of security point products meant to solve one or two specific problems, and your organization is safe from threats! Ah, if only it were that simple… In reality, security operations are disjointed and complex. Security visibility and functionality (i.e. threat detection, investigation, containment and response capabilities) are often divided among a multitude of different security products (e.g.

Security operations center, Part 1: The guardian of your organization

Hackers arm themselves with the latest technologies, employ different techniques, and try to exploit all possible vulnerabilities in the security of an organization. With these tools under their belt, hackers will persist until they get what they want. To stay one step ahead of hackers and remain up to date on cutting-edge technologies, your organization needs a dedicated team whose main objective is to detect and stop cyberattacks that threaten it.

How to Modernize Your Security Operations Center (SOC)

In an evolving world, the modernization of the security operations center (SOC) is pivotal to the success of digital transformation initiatives. Security teams, however, are facing a shortage of cybersecurity professionals and struggling to detect and prioritize high-priority threats. Analysts in data-driven organizations can combat these issues by bringing people, process and technology together.

The automation hype is real for SOC teams: unpacking the Dimensional Research "2020 State of SecOps and Automation" report

As more and more enterprises shift to the cloud, the pressure on SOC teams to protect them against threats rises exponentially. They are the very first line of defense against data breaches and cyber threats that become more frequent and more sophisticated.