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How we tracked down (what seemed like) a memory leak in one of our Go microservices

The backend developer team at Detectify has been working with Go for some years now, and it’s the language chosen by us to power our microservices. We think Go is a fantastic language and it has proven to perform very well for our operations. It comes with a great tool-set, such as the tool we’ll touch on later on called pprof. However, even though Go performs very well, we noticed one of our microservices had a behavior very similar to that of a memory leak.

What Is a Man-in-the-Middle Attack and How Can It Be Prevented

A man-in-the-middle attack (MITM attack) is a cyber attack where an attacker relays and possibly alters communication between two parties who believe they are communicating directly. This allows the attacker to relay communication, listen in, and even modify what each party is saying. Man-in-the-middle attacks enable eavesdropping between people, clients and servers. This can include HTTPS connections to websites, other SSL/TLS connections, Wi-Fi networks connections and more.

Hundreds of millions of Facebook users' phone numbers found lying around on the internet

TechCrunch reports that a security researcher stumbled across an exposed server on the internet containing databases with a total of more than 419 million records related to Facebook users. According to TechCrunch’s reporting, each database record contains a user’s unique Facebook account ID (from which it’s possible to determine a user name) and phone numbers attached to the account.

Don't Let Your Analysts Become the Latest Victims of Burnout!

Working as a cybersecurity analyst is incredibly challenging. It’s one of the only roles in IT that requires 24/7/365 availability. The constant stressors of the job can overload security analysts, which ultimately leads to burnout—affecting every factor of the job from performance to talent retention.

Prevent DNS (and other) spoofing with Calico

AquaSec’s Daniel Sagi recently authored a blog post about DNS spoofing in Kubernetes. TLDR is that if you use default networking in Kubernetes you might be vulnerable to ARP spoofing which can allow pods to spoof (impersonate) the IP addresses of other pods. Since so much traffic is dialed via domain names rather than IPs, spoofing DNS can allow you to redirect lots of traffic inside the cluster for nefarious purposes.

Monitor system access and unusual activity with Okta logs and Datadog

Okta is a cloud-based identity management service that provides authentication and authorization tools for your organizations’ employees and users. You can use Okta to incorporate single sign-on, multi-factor authentication, and user management services right into your applications.

What is a Cyber Threat?

A cyber threat (or cyber security threat) is the possibility of a successful cyber attack that aims to gain unauthorized access, damage, disrupt, or steal an information technology asset, computer network, intellectual property or any other form of sensitive data. Cyber threats can come from within an organization by trusted users or from remote locations by unknown parties.

Survey Reveals Kubernetes Usage Skyrocketing, but Security Concerns Remain

Containers have become a popular technology for enterprises that need to create agile, scalable and reliable applications. As they’re moving containerized workloads into production, many are adopting Kubernetes for container orchestration. While containerization enables DevOps to deploy software fast and efficiently, it also creates new security challenges, especially for those who’ve accelerated their implementation of this complex technology.

Data governance for regulatory compliance: lessons learned from NYDFS

This week marks six months since the last of three compliance deadlines for the New York State Department of Financial Services (NYDFS) Cybersecurity Regulations. As of March 1, 2019, many financial services firms operating in New York state are now required to abide by a new set of cybersecurity standards that dictate how they manage, share, and control access to data.

What is Log Auditing?

If you are involved with cyber security, you must have heard log auditing. In this article we discuss the importance and benefits of log auditing and how it can help improving the security posture of your networks. The definition of audit log (also known as audit trail) is quite straightforward. When the system is applied a change, it leads to a parallel one in the behaviour of the system. This change in the behaviour must be recorded in an audit log.