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Navigating AI Agent Security Amid Evolving Regulations

The landscape of artificial intelligence (AI) governance is undergoing significant changes, particularly as it relates to the rise of AI Agents—autonomous systems that can independently make decisions and execute tasks. Recently, a key executive order on AI safety was rescinded, which previously required developers to share safety test results with federal agencies and mandated comprehensive assessments of AI-related risks.

NIS2 is Here - Understanding the NIS2 Directive and Its Transposition Across Europe

The Network and Information Security Directive (NIS2 Directive) is an important piece of European Union legislation aimed at bolstering cyber security across the member states. NIS2 officially came into force on 17th October, and while some EU member countries have met this deadline, many are still working to fully transpose the legislation.

Introducing CelesTLSH: Advanced Malware Detection with Fuzzy Hashing

We are excited to announce the integration of the CelesTLSH Malware Scanner into the LimaCharlie ecosystem. Developed by Magonia Research, CelesTLSH enhances your security operations by scanning files collected via the BinLib extension. It identifies known malware and threat actor tools through advanced fuzzy hashing techniques.

CrowdStrike Researchers Explore Contrastive Learning to Enhance Detection Against Emerging Malware Threats

The process of crafting new malware detection features is usually time-consuming and requires extensive domain knowledge outside the expertise of many machine learning practitioners. These factors make it especially difficult to keep up with a constantly evolving threat landscape. To mitigate these challenges, the CrowdStrike Data Science team explored the use of deep learning to automatically generate features for novel malware families.

BDRSuite v7.5.0: Industry's First Truly Comprehensive Proxmox VE Backup Now Available!

We are excited to announce the release of BDRSuite v7.5.0! This version brings powerful new features and enhancements tailored specifically to the Proxmox VE environment, designed to enhance your backup experience and making the recovery process smoother. Following the recent announcement of BDRSuite’s 2025 Roadmap, which outlines exciting new features and enhancements, we are proud to share that we are already delivering on our goals with this latest version.

Malvertising Campaign Abuses Google Ads to Target Advertisers

Researchers at Malwarebytes are tracking a major malvertising campaign that’s abusing Google Ads to target individuals and businesses interested in advertising. The threat actors are using compromised Google Ads accounts to run ads that impersonate Google, leading victims to a fake Google login page designed to steal their credentials.

The Quiet Rise of the 'API Tsunami'

As enterprises increasingly adopt cloud-native architectures, microservices, and third-party integrations, the number of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) has surged, creating an “API tsunami” in an organization's infrastructure that threatens to overwhelm traditional management practices. As digital services proliferate, so does the development of APIs, which allow various applications to communicate or integrate with each other and share information.