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Outsmarting Cyber Threats: Etay Maor Unveils the Hacker's Playbook in the Cloud Era

In an era where cyber threats evolve as rapidly as the technology they target, understanding the mindset of those behind the attacks is crucial. This was the central theme of a speech given by Etay Maor, Senior Director of Security Strategy, of Cato Networks at the MSP EXPO 2024 Conference & Exposition in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Titled, “SASE vs.

Snowflake Breach: Examination of 'whitewarlock' claims

According to the latest news, the cloud-based data storage and analytics giant Snowflake has supposedly suffered a breach according to researchers that interacted with a certain Threat Actor known as ‘whitewarlock’ on the deep web hacking forum ‘exploitin’. Cyberint found the original compromised machine potentially exploited by ‘whitewarlock’. Over 500 demo environment instances were found included in the malware log.

What's the Difference Between Penetration Testing And Ethical Hacking?

Ethical hacking and penetration testing are both essential components of cybersecurity testing, but they differ in their objectives and methodologies. Ethical hacking, also known as white-hat hacking, involves simulating the actions of a malicious hacker to identify vulnerabilities within an organisation's systems and networks. The primary objective of ethical hacking is to proactively identify and address potential security weaknesses before they can be exploited by unauthorised individuals.

The Hacker's Guide to The Cosmos (SDK): Stealing Millions from the Blockchain

Welcome, fellow travelers of the Cosmos! While we may not be traversing the stars on a spaceship, we are all interconnected through the powerful network of blockchains. Unfortunately, just like any technology, vulnerabilities can be discovered and exploited. In this post, we’ll present a critical vulnerability in a Cosmos-SDK blockchain that is explicitly related to the Inter-Blockchain Communication Protocol (IBC).

Chinese Hackers Spy on Dutch Ministry of Defense: A Story of Alarming Cyber Espionage

In a revelation that adds yet another chapter to the ongoing saga of international cybersecurity threats, the Dutch Ministry of Defense recently shed light on a significant security breach. Reports that state-sponsored Chinese hackers have infiltrated the internal computer network the ministry uses were confirmed.

Hacker Subcultures: Unmasking the Motivations and Methods

The world of cybersecurity is vast and teeming with a wide array of hackers who possess distinct motivations, objectives, and methods. Unfortunately, public awareness of these differences is nearly non-existent. Some individuals employ their skills for noble purposes, while others are driven by malicious intent. Let’s delve into several subcultures within the realm of hackers, exploring their unique characteristics and their roles in shaping the cybersecurity landscape.