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Can 2FA Stop Hackers?

Yes, Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) can stop hackers from accessing your accounts, but it’s not entirely foolproof and some forms of 2FA are stronger than others. 2FA is a type of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) that requires two authentication factors. With 2FA, you will need your username, password and another authentication method before you can access an online account.

What Is a Black Hat Hacker?

A black hat hacker is a cybercriminal who accesses your computer systems and network without your knowledge to steal data, disrupt systems and extort money. Black hat hackers try to take advantage of an organization’s security vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access to software, systems and networks. Once they gain access to an organization’s data, black hat hackers may hold the data for ransom or sell it to other businesses or cybercriminals.

EP 64 - Identity Reinvention: Insights From the World's First Augmented Ethical Hacker

In this episode of the Trust Issues Podcast, host David Puner sits down with CyberArk’s resident technical evangelist, white hat hacker and transhuman, Len Noe. They dive into Len’s singular journey from a black hat hacker to an ethical hacker, exploring his identity reinvention and the fascinating world of subdermal microchip implants and offensive security.

More Than 33,000 People in the UK Have Been Hacked Over the Past Year

Action Fraud, the UK’s national fraud and cyber crime reporting service, warns that more than 33,000 people have reported that their online accounts have been hacked over the past year. Most of these hacks were the result of phishing and other social engineering tactics. Action Fraud describes one technique that involves using a compromised account to target the victim’s friends.

U.S. Department of Justice Indicts Hacktivist Group Anonymous Sudan for Prominent DDoS Attacks in 2023 and 2024

Collaboration is critical to take down today’s most advanced adversaries. CrowdStrike regularly works with law enforcement agencies and industry leaders to identify, track and stop cyber threats. We recently cooperated with the Department of Justice as part of a broader effort to disrupt two individuals heavily involved in operating Anonymous Sudan.

CISA Warns of Hackers Targeting Industrial Systems with "Unsophisticated Methods" Amid Lebanon Water Hack Claims

The US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has warned that malicious hackers continue to be capable of compromising industrial control systems (ICS) and other operational technology (OT) using "unsophisticated methods" - suggesting that much more still needs to be done to secure them properly.

4 Ways Ethical Hacking Services Helped Businesses Prevent Cyber Attacks

As technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, so do the tactics of cybercriminals. For businesses of all sizes, the threat of a cyber attack is growing more and more concerning. Through the use of ethical hacking techniques, companies can identify vulnerabilities in their systems. They can also address them before malicious hackers exploit them. In this post, we will explore the ways ethical hacking services have become a valuable asset in the fight against cyber attacks.

Did Your Instagram Get Hacked? Follow These Steps.

If you cannot log in to your Instagram account, you should request a login link, contact Instagram and verify your identity as the legitimate owner of the account. If your Instagram account has been hacked, you are probably panicking and trying to figure out how to protect your personal information.