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Announcing Veracode Security Labs Community Edition

We recently partnered with Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) to survey software development and security professionals about modern application development and how applications are tested for security. The soon-to-be-announced survey found that 53% of organizations provide security training for developers less than once a year, which is woefully inadequate for the rapid pace of change in software development.

FBI Releases Flash Alert on Netwalker Ransomware

The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) released a flash alert in which it warned organizations about the dangers of Netwalker ransomware. On July 28, the FBI revealed in Flash Alert MI-000130-MW that it had received notifications of attacks involving Netwalker against U.S. and foreign government organizations along with entities operating in the healthcare and education sectors.

Cybersecurity Baseline for IoT Device Manufacturers

The pervasive impact of Internet of Things (IoT) devices on our lives is greater than that of traditional IT devices. There are several unknowns in IoT security, and it raises concerns for customers who are looking to incorporate IoT devices in their existing infrastructure. Fortunately, security by design can resolve some of the major root causes of the underlying vulnerabilities in these connected devices.

Suspicious Activity Monitoring: Reducing the strain of false positives in real-time

The COVID-19 Pandemic has enabled contactless payment volumes to increase quicker than previously projected. According to Juniper research, contactless payments will triple to $6 trillion worldwide by 2024, up from about $2 trillion in 2020, as the amount of mobile wallet transactions increase and banks expand the use of contactless cards.

Can AI Predict Workplace Violence?

In June 2020, a knife attack at a kindergarten in China injured 39 people, many of them children. The perpetrator was a security guard at the school. This was an insider attack and a horrific act that happens far too often across the world. While the majority of the cybersecurity industry is focused on securing data, the growing convergence of digital and physical security remains unhinged.

Effective Threat Intelligence Through Vulnerability Analysis

Vulnerabilities are weaknesses leveraged by adversaries to compromise the confidentiality, availability or integrity of a resource. The vulnerability ecosystem has matured considerably in the last few years. A significant amount of effort has been invested to capture, curate, taxonomize and communicate the vulnerabilities in terms of severity, impact and complexity of the associated exploit or attack.

Social Engineering: Hacking Brains...It's Easier than Hacking Computers

The audience in the room is weirdly quiet. The contestant is in a small plexiglass booth with nothing but a phone, a laptop computer and some notes. On a set of speakers outside, the booth broadcasts the sounds of a dial tone as a woman on the stage begins to dial a number. It is apparent she is not phoning a friend. The dial tone changes to a ring tone, and moments later, the other end picks up. “Hello… IT department.

What is ICMP?

Being a supporting protocol in the Internet protocol suite, ICMP is often preferred by network devices to send error messages and similar information. Keep reading to learn more! In order to maintain the security and safety of networks, maintaining a successful communication between devices is essential. That is why protocols like ICMP are very important and popular as of today. In this article, we will discuss what ICMP is and why you need it. What is ICMP?