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The Impact of Code Signing on Your Organization

When it comes to releasing software, many organizations take software signing lightly. But they don’t know that not signing a software or not using a Code Signing Certificate can have an adverse impact on the organization. A non-signed application is not only a risk for end-users, but also for the software publisher. And when you sign a software, it offers multiple benefits that positively impact the organizational goals. To understand it more thoroughly, let’s move further.

Best Cybersecurity Certifications for Pros to Earn in 2023

The lucrativeness of cybersecurity keeps going up, with more companies realizing the need to employ reliable people to forestall and manage cyberattacks. However, the right people for this job aren’t always easy to find and hire. But looking for professionals with certifications from qualified bodies absolutely helps.

Behavioral Analytics Explained: How Analyzing (Odd) Behavior Supports Cybersecurity

Behavior Analytics (BA) is a widely used technique that helps you gain insights into various behavioral patterns to make data-driven decisions. This article describes behavior analytics, particularly how it is used in cybersecurity, and the actions it involves. We’ll also provide describe popular BA tools and discuss their key benefits.

Five key takeaways from Outpost24's Cyber Resilience Day

True to its theme ‘Cyber Resilience’, our recent cyber security gathering was able to dissect the fast-moving threat landscape with insights and information nuggets from a panel of security experts and practitioners on the shortcomings and the need for better use of threat intelligence. Here are five takeaways from the Cyber Resilience Day in Breda co-hosted with our customer and a panel of cybersecurity experts.

Modern SOCs and MDR services: Modern SOC Key Functions

At a high level, the SOC's core mission remains to help the enterprise manage cyber risk, but what has changed is the sophistication of cyber threats and the mechanics of the SOC to operate. To successfully protect and respond to threats, SOCs need deep visibility into organization activity and automate key but repetitive functions while freeing analysts to focus on more valuable functions such as threat hunting and vulnerability management.

19 Cybersecurity Trends Every CISO Must Prepare for in 2023

We saw numerous cybersecurity breaches in 2022. The attacks became more sophisticated, the bots got sneakier, and the cost of breaches multiplied. Yet, enterprises were underprepared to deal with the well-known threats. With the rise of new technologies and the increased adoption of remote work, cybercriminals have quickly adapted their tactics. They are now targeting businesses in ways never seen before.

OneNote Spear-Phishing Campaign

Trustwave SpiderLabs “noted” in Part 1 and Part 2 of our OneNote research that OneNote has been used as a malware delivery mechanism now we will shift gears and focus on several OneNote decoy notes SpiderLabs has discovered that deliver malware families like Qakbot, XWorm, Icedid, and AsyncRAT. While the malware payload can change, the techniques have generally been the same.

SBOM Problems and Inaccuracies Can Hamper Usability

Overcoming SBOM problems can be challenging. But the value of an SBOM – also known as a Software Bill of Materials – is generally undisputed: They provide much-needed visibility into the details of open source and proprietary software components and the supply chain. Their intent is to give developers, buyers, and operators a better understanding of the supply chain so organizations can better track known or emerging vulnerabilities and risks.

How to Mature Your Threat Intelligence Program

With so many threat intelligence solutions on the market today, it raises the question: What is threat intelligence and why do you need it? I won’t go into detail about what threat intelligence is; you can read about that here. Instead, I want to focus on the threat intelligence maturity journey — specifically, how advanced your organization is with respect to threat intelligence adoption and which CrowdStrike solution may be right for you.