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6 Top Cloud Security Problems - from a GRC consultant's perspective

The typical life of a consultant working in the field of governance, risk and compliance is often not deeply technical, but we have to be aware of new technology and the risks it poses; this is very true when it comes to Cloud, and with the massive adoption of Cloud as the vast majority of organizations now use cloud services on some level.

Reflections on AWS re:Inforce 2022

The Arctic Wolf team is having a great time in Boston at AWS re:Inforce 2022. What a wonderful show! It has been thrilling to connect with industry leaders and AWS experts from across the world–and it was equally thrilling for us to announce that Arctic Wolf has achieved the newly introduced Level 1 MSSP specialization in Digital Forensics Incident Response (DFIR).

Higher Ed Campuses Have Digitized: Protecting Sensitive Data Requires a Unified Approach

Higher education institutions have long been subjected to ransomware and other cyber attacks, which has had a huge impact on their operations. In 2020 alone, ransomware attacks affected nearly 1,700 U.S. schools, colleges and universities – which is an increase of 100% over the previous year. The average cost of these attacks were $2.73 million in downtime, repairs and lost opportunities.

An In-Depth Guide to Conducting a Data Security Audit

Data breaches and hacks can cost companies millions. To protect sensitive data, you have to ensure that your entire system is compliant with data security standards and regulations. To properly evaluate your level of compliance, you need to conduct a data security audit. In this post, we’ll look at how to conduct a data security audit. You'll learn about the different types of audits, and the steps to take when conducting an audit.

How attackers leverage example apps/reproduction scripts to attack OSS maintainers

A possible method of attacking your code base is a bit of social engineering that involves using open source to report potential bugs in software that provides reproduction applications. These applications can include malicious code that can compromise your software and applications. In the blog post, we’ll briefly look at why and how they operate, and how to mitigate this practice.

How to Shape OPA Data for Policy Performance

In Tim Hinrich’s prior blog titled the Three-Body Problem for Policy, he dives into the interconnected relationship between policy, data and software. He identifies a key consideration when using OPA — that “policies can only be evaluated when provided with the correct data.” The full blog is well worth the read to better understand the role of data and its correctness in your policy implementation.

ML Detection of Risky Command Exploit

As described in Splunk Vulnerability Disclosure SVD-2022-0624, there is a list of SPL (Search Processing Language) commands that are classified as risky. This is because incorrect use of these risky commands may lead to a security breach or data loss. As a precautionary measure, the Splunk Search app pops up a dialog, alerting users before executing these commands whenever these commands are called.

Is any organisation risk and data breach free?

I walked into a business the other day. After a long conversation about the client’s need for cybersecurity and the implementation of the ISO27001 security standard, we talked about their risk appetite. “We don’t accept any risk. We’re risk-averse” said the CEO. But, is this achievable?

The EU's new AI Act-What We Can Learn From the GDPR

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly becoming ubiquitous in supporting key business decisions, and for many organisations it is critical for their digital transformation and new business models. With organisations quickly driving forward to identify new ways to extract competitive value from their data, the regulators are preparing to step in.