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Teleport 4.3 Demo | Privileged Access Management | SSH & Kubectl

In this video, we show the basic capabilities of Gravitational Teleport, an open-source Linux server for setting up infrastructure access via SSH or Kubernetes. Gravitational Teleport is a gateway for managing access to clusters of Linux servers via SSH or the Kubernetes API. Download Teleport Community here and try it for your self Check out our GitHub repo here If you want to ask any questions reach out here.

Securing Your Kubernetes Journey with ChartCenter

Adopting cloud native technologies like Kubernetes and Helm means your company’s operations can sail swiftly across the globe’s oceans to reach teams and customers. But there are dangers in the deep. With many components in Kubernetes, securing every dimension can be quite challenging and require a bit of learning curve. Let’s identify some important best practices that can help you to steer straight.

Unified cloud-native authorization: Policy everywhere and for everyone

When we started Styra, we set out to rethink authorization and policy for the cloud-native environment. We knew that new risks and challenges would emerge as companies embraced the cloud and began using a whole new host of technologies and architectures for building applications. The constant changes and dynamic runtime of the cloud-native environment complicated matters even more.

5 Essential workflows for secure DevOps

Focusing on these five essential workflows for secure DevOps will help you get started implementing monitoring, security, and compliance for containers and Kubernetes. You might be starting to adopt DevOps and find that it dramatically simplifies deploying applications in containers and Kubernetes. However, you probably also found that it adds a new set of complexities for managing, securing, and troubleshooting applications.

Sysdig cuts onboarding for container and Kubernetes visibility and security to 5 minutes

Today, we are excited to announce a faster onboarding for Kubernetes visibility and security. With the SaaS-first approach and new enhancements to the Sysdig Secure DevOps Platform, you can get results after just a five-minute setup. This release includes a new guided onboarding process, out-of-the-box dashboards as part of curated essential workflows, and a new Sysdig Essentials tier. 5 minutes to onboard secure DevOps - YouTube An error occurred.