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What to Do and What to Avoid When Implementing Security in the DevOps Lifecycle

DevOps is redefining the way organizations handle software development. But it’s also challenging security professionals in their efforts to manage digital risk. With that said, there are security teams need to be strategic about how they approach DevOps security. Here are some expert recommendations on what to do and what to avoid when implementing security in the DevOps lifecycle.

The DevOps Career Guide

Perhaps your organization is looking to make a transition from traditional IT operations and development practices to DevOps, or you're looking to realign your career path with DevOps to position yourself more favorably to future opportunities. Whatever your motivations are, this eBook will provide you with foundation knowledge for boosting your career with DevOps.

The Dos and Don'ts of DevOps: Implementing Security into the DevOps Lifecycle

Your 10-point DevOps Aligning DevOps and security is more than a matter of getting the right tools in place-it requires a cultural overhaul, too. That means taking a holistic approach to security that makes room for extra training and communication, as well as security tools designed specifically for DevOps. checklist.

Back to the Future: Stick to the Fundamentals for DevOps Security

In early August, I will be leading a couple of sessions at the Community College Cyber Summit about cyber security fundamentals. I’ve also been spending time working with my amazing colleagues here at Tripwire on a really cool new offering for DevOps pipelines – Tripwire for DevOps (learn more here). Spending so much time going back and forth from “back to basics” and “the future of development” had me thinking that securing DevOps is really Back to the Future.