Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

June 2024

Celebrating 10 years of Project Galileo (with Alissa Starzak)

Alissa Starzak, Global Head of Policy at Cloudflare, about our Project Galileo that is celebrating 10 years. In June 2014, Cloudflare launched Project Galileo, a program which today provides security services, at no cost, to more than 2,600 independent journalists and nonprofit organizations around the world supporting human rights, democracy, and local communities.

What is Cloudforce One. How we thwarted FlyingYeti's campaign targeting Ukraine

In this week’s episode, we have a segment about how we thwarted a threat campaign targeting Ukraine and explain what our team, Cloudforce One, does. Host João Tomé is joined by Blake Darché, Head of Cloudforce One. First, we discuss how Cloudforce One employed proactive defense measures to successfully prevent Russia-aligned threat actor FlyingYeti from launching their latest phishing campaign targeting Ukraine.

Data Governance: What It Is, It's Importance, and How To Get Started

A recent Gartner survey shared that, “61% of companies said their governance goals included optimizing data for business processes and productivity but only 42% of that group believed they were on track to achieve it.” Data governance is often viewed as a prohibitive, controlling, and time consuming process designed to slow down work. Traditional approaches to data governance can make it a complicated effort, detouring teams from implementing it, but it doesn’t have to be.

Securing the Cloud: A Comprehensive Guide to Identity and Access Management

In the not-so-distant past, managing user identities and access controls was a relatively straightforward process. Organizations operated within the confines of their on-premises networks where users logged onto a single system to access the resources they needed. This well-defined perimeter enabled IT departments to maintain tight control over who accessed what and from where. However, the advent of cloud computing has disrupted this traditional paradigm.

Amazon S3 Data Protection: The Myths and the Facts

So, you’re all set up with Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), because you’re looking for best-in-class solutions for your company’s structured and unstructured data. Smart. But there’s more to do. Here are some myths about your Amazon S3 data, the real story behind them. Phew! We’re glad you agree that your Amazon S3 data needs strong protection. Wise decision. Here’s where we can help with a faster, cheaper, better solution.

How Does Passwordless Authentication Work?

Passwords are the digital keys to our lives. They unlock everything from our most sensitive financial data to our personal communications and cherished memories. For online businesses, they are a safety net that allows customers to transact business and make purchases with apparent security. Yet, for all their importance, passwords remain a glaring weak point in online security. Consider this: 81% of data breaches hinge on compromised passwords.

Understanding the Risks of Remote Monitoring and Management Tools

On February 19, 2024, ConnectWise published a security bulletin detailing two critical vulnerabilities within their on-premises ScreenConnect software, stating that the vulnerabilities have the potential to result in remote code execution (RCE). ScreenConnect is a widely utilized Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) tool that has been leveraged by threat actors in the past, often in connection with ransomware attacks.

How to Migrate CentOS 7 to AlmaLinux

Jump to Tutorial As of June 30, 2024, CentOS 7 will reach its end of life (EOL). That means it will no longer receive updates, bug fixes, critical security patches, or any new features. It is very important to migrate to a supported operating system to maintain the functionality and security of your systems. AlmaLinux is a reliable alternative to CentoOS. It’s a community-driven enterprise distribution that is binary compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).

OWASP API Top 10 Explained with Real-World Examples

It’s an API talking to the API world we’re living in. As per Postman, 500 million new APIs are expected to be created by 2025. APIs are a lifesaver when it comes to automation or integration. But when it comes to the security of these APIs, things can get a little tricky. OWASP API Top 10 gives insights on top vulnerabilities exploited in APIs.

Here's Why Regulatory Compliance is Important

You don’t have to jump through endless hoops to achieve regulatory compliance. By finding an easy way to comply with the right laws, regulations, and industry standards, regulatory compliance can offer several benefits for companies. Specific compliance requirements vary by industry and country. But in general, implementing regulatory compliance is a mandatory requirement for every sector and every company in countries with a robust business and economic landscape.