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Interactive Application Security Testing: IAST Basics

Because applications and software vulnerabilities are the most common external point of attack, securing applications is a top priority for most organizations. An essential component for reducing this risk is application security testing (AST). In this blog, we focus on interactive application security testing (IAST), the relative newcomer in the AST market.

Quality Conundrum: Relying on QA Tools Alone Increases Risk

Quality assurance, or QA, is one of the go-to solutions for organizations looking to enhance their application security (AppSec). But alone, they don’t provide enough coverage and can give your team a false sense of security that comes back to haunt you during audits, or worse: after a breach. QA tools are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to flagging and remediating flaws that leave your applications vulnerable to attacks.

How Outpost24 Secures the SDLC

At Outpost24, we’re committed to providing information security testing solutions to not only fit seamlessly into the SDLC, but also to enhance our customers’ experiences in implementing and maintaining their best practices to ensure their SDLC leads to a strong security posture and comprehensive resiliency around their full stack.

How to Cyber Security: Fuzz a tank

Defensics is a generational fuzzer, which means it creates test cases based on a detailed model of the input data. The result: test cases that are very realistic but messed up in some way. This technique is highly effective in burrowing into different control paths in the target and revealing vulnerabilities. Subjectively speaking, the test cases have high quality. The disadvantage of generational fuzzing is that somebody has to create the data model for the inputs you are fuzzing.

Outpost24 webinar: Improve Your Organization's Security With Red Teaming

Security assessments can be performed in many ways, depending on your organization’s maturity level and goals. Whilst vulnerability scanning can help to identify security flaws on a broader scope and penetration testing can conclude the risk level of vulnerabilities discovered, if you need to understand the full picture of your organization’s security awareness and readiness, a scenario-based Red Teaming Assessment (RTA) is the best way to assess the effectiveness of your defence mechanism from a hacker’s view.

Veracode Corporate Video

Veracode is a SaaS-based application security (AppSec) company founded in 2006 by a group of skilled computer hackers. The hackers, including Chris Wysopal, realized that software was very vulnerable to cyberattacks. Over the years, Veracode has established industry-leading technology that helps developers and security professionals find and fix vulnerabilities in their software. Together with Veracode, customers can confidently secure their code.