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An introduction to penetration testing

The digital world has become a dangerous place. It’s like the Wild West (the movie kind, not the real kind, which was decidedly less wild than it’s portrayed), with outlaws out to do you harm and make off with your precious data. Fortunately, like any good western, there are also honour-bound gun slingers seeking to bring law, order and – most importantly – security to the digital landscape.

Prevent Wordpress hacking using this Pen Testing guide

Welcome back to the next edition of “Hacking WordPress”. Find Part 1 if you missed it. Let me start with a PSA message. It is illegal to hack, log in to, penetrate, take over or even hack, a system or network of systems without the explicit permission of the owner. Criminal hacking is illegal and punishable under Federal Law. I am describing methods to learn more about WordPress so you can protect your sites better.

What is Chaos Engineering in penetration testing?

Being proactive is the key to staying safe online, especially for businesses and organizations that operate websites and mobile applications. If you wait for threats to appear, then in most cases it is too late to defend against them. Many data breaches come about this way, with hackers uncovering security gaps that had gone previously undetected. The average web developer wants to assume that their code and projects will always function in the intended manner.

FedRAMP Pentesting Requirements

If you’re doing business in the cloud, odds are you know a thing or two about compliance maintenance. This article highlights The Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) and explains how this certification stands out from the rest by not being another just another check here for compliance standard. So, what is FedRAMP?

6 Reasons you Should Consider an Annual Penetration Testing Especially in Healthcare

Breaches are widely observed in the healthcare sector and can be caused by many different types of incidents, including credential-stealing malware, an insider who either purposefully or accidentally discloses patient data, or lost laptops or other devices. Personal Health Information (PHI) is more valuable on the black market than credit card credentials or regular Personally Identifiable Information (PII).

Why Is Penetration Testing Critical to the Security of the Organization?

A complete security program involves many different facets working together to defend against digital threats. To create such a program, many organizations spend much of their resources on building up their defenses by investing in their security configuration management (SCM), file integrity monitoring (FIM), vulnerability management (VM) and log management capabilities. These investments make sense, as the resources listed above can all help protect the organization.

What Type of Vulnerabilities Does a Penetration Test Look For?

Penetration testing is becoming increasingly popular as organizations are beginning to embrace the need for stronger cybersecurity. But there are still too many businesses that don’t fully understand the benefits of regular security testing. Pen testing is vital for any kind of organization with an IT system or website. A recent survey of penetration testers revealed that 88 percent of those questioned said they could infiltrate organizations and steal data within 12 hours.