Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Why Your Org Needs DLP for Slack: Ensuring Long-Term Data Security

Cloud security requires long-term investments to get right. Today’s demands of remote work and collaboration across teams are forcing security leaders to make fast decisions about which business tools they should allow their orgs to adopt. Data loss prevention (DLP) is a good way to support cybersecurity policies that will safeguard sensitive data and perform at the highest levels of security over the long haul.

Top 7 Questions to Ask When Evaluating a Software Composition Analysis Solution

Your open source usage is out of control. Sure, it’s helping you develop your product faster and getting new releases out the door in days instead of months, but now your code base is made up of 60% or more open source components. And that percentage is only growing. The application layer continues to be the most attacked, so you know you need to stay on top of vulnerabilities.

Back to school? Secure your Chromebooks!

Here at Lookout, we spend a lot of time talking about how best to secure tablets and smartphones. That’s because they dominate our lives. But as some of our daily routines continue to stay virtual and our kids return to school, the importance of securing Chromebooks has become top of mind. Chromebooks have become an essential tool for schools that transitioned to distance learning in the spring.

Secure and monitor AWS Outposts and hybrid clouds

Today we announced that Sysdig has demonstrated successful integration of our monitoring and security software with AWS Outposts and achieved the AWS Outposts Ready designation. AWS Outposts provides a fully managed service that extends AWS infrastructure, services, APIs, and tools to your datacenter, co-location space or “edge” location to support on-prem and hybrid cloud use cases. AWS Outposts provides a hardware and software stack built on Amazon’s EC2 public cloud expertise.

Webinar | Industry Best Practices for SSH Access | Teleport | How To

We've all used SSH dozens of times, but do we really understand how to SSH properly? Using such a powerful tool can come with a lot of risks, especially when we're on highly distributed teams with well-trodden workflows that can be tough to change. In an era of sophisticated phishing attacks and threats always knocking at our doors, we could all use a little help with making sure our infrastructure is as secure as it can be.