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Deepfake Voice Technology Iterates on Old Phishing Strategies

As the world of AI and deepfake technology grows more complex, the risk that deepfakes pose to firms and individuals grows increasingly potent. This growing sophistication of the latest software and algorithms has allowed malicious hackers, scammers and cyber criminals who work tirelessly behind the scenes to stay one step ahead of the authorities, making the threat of attacks increasingly difficult to both prepare for and defend against.

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Container Inspection: Walking The Security Tightrope For Cloud DevOps

Containers are at the forefront of software development creating a revolution in cloud computing. Developers are opting for containerization at an impressive rate due to its efficiency, flexibility and portability. However, as the usage of containers increases, so should the security surrounding it. With containers comprising of many valuable components it is of the utmost importance that there are no vulnerabilities exposed when developing applications, and risks are mitigated before containers, and their contents, reach the end-user.

Detecting Google Cloud Platform OAuth Token Abuse Using Splunk

In a recent post by the Splunk Threat Research team, we addressed permanent and temporary token/credential abuse in AWS and how to mitigate credential exposure. With 94% of Enterprises using a cloud service, and some using at least five different cloud platforms, it’s imperative to stay ahead of threats across multicloud environments. Let’s now turn our attention to Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and how to detect and mitigate OAuth Token Abuse.

10 AWS Best Security Practices Guide

More and more companies choose to migrate to a Cloud infrastructure to take advantage of new resources, an elastic storage power and agile deployment, nevertheless IT professionals are not always trained to secure these new technologies. Like traditional infrastructures, a public Cloud infrastructure services requires the implementation of security measures and controls by their users. Enterprises must adapt their security policy to these new technologies to reap the Cloud benefits without increasing their cyberattacks exposure area.

You Can Run, But You Can't Hide: Detecting Malicious Office Documents

Malicious Microsoft Office documents are a popular vehicle for malware distribution. Malware families such as Emotet, IcedID, and Dridex use Office documents as their primary distribution mechanism. Several recent Emotet attacks used a novel approach to sending email baits and hosted the malicious documents in cloud apps to increase their success.

Eclipse SW360: Main Features

Over five years ago, Adrian Bridgwater wrote a Forbes article pronouncing that “If Software Is Eating The World, Then Open Source Will Chew It Up (And Swallow).” That statement is just as true today. Open source components have become a basic building block for software developers, providing them with ready-made solutions from a vast community that help them keep up with today’s speedy and frequent release cycles.

It's All About Access: Remote Access Statistics for Public Cloud Workloads

“The more things change, the more they stay the same.“ In the recent Equinix breach in September 2020, 74 RDP servers were exposed to the Internet. Any publicly exposed ports are a risk but remote access protocols such as RDP have had their share of critical vulnerabilities (e.g., BlueKeep in 2019).

Detect Ransomware in Your Data with the Machine Learning Cloud Service

While working with customers over the years, I've noticed a pattern with questions they have around operationalizing machine learning: “How can I use Machine Learning (ML) for threat detection with my data?”, “What are the best practices around model re-training and updates?”, and “Am I going to need to hire a data scientist to support this workflow in my security operations center (SOC)?” Well, we are excited to announce that the SplunkWorks team launched a new add-

Securing Cloud Environments: Staying on top of cloud configurations to prevent data leaks.

Securing Cloud Environments: Staying on top of cloud configurations to prevent data leaks with PJ Norris, Senior Systems Engineer. Shares new research Shows common mistakes Offers solutions that help with hardening and compliance in the cloud