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IoT Devices: Privacy and Security in Abusive Relationships

A few weeks, ago, technology news site The Verge reported on a new Ring security camera that is in fact a drone that flies around inside your house. Available beginning next year, the ‘Always Home Cam’ is supposed to give its owners a total view of their home without the need for multiple cameras. Those worried about break-ins or other kinds of suspicious activities may like the idea of being a fly on the wall in any room inside the house, even when they’re away from home.

Making SCA part of your AST Strategy

Open source software is now used in nearly every organization, which makes it critical to know your code. Learn how an SCA tool can help you. There’s an ongoing sea change in how developers ensure a more secure software development life cycle (SDLC). “Shift left” is the notion that creating high-quality software begins with planning and continues through the development and testing stages to actual deployment.

A Few Minutes More: Add Xray DevSecOps to Artifactory Enterprise on Azure

In a prior blog post, we explained how to install or update Artifactory through the Azure Marketplace in the amount of time it takes for your coffee order to arrive on the counter. Now you can add to your self-managed (BYOL) Artifactory deployment Xray, the cream of software component analysis (SCA) tools, through the Azure Marketplace as well.

Add DLP to Airtable with Nightfall's API platform

Airtable has proven its staying power among tech unicorns as a customizable and collaborative project management platform that empowers users to track literally anything at work or at home. When the company announced its $185 million Series D funding in September, they generated a whole new round of buzzworthy headlines. For security leaders, this means that new requests for adding Airtable to tech stacks are likely on the way.

DIY Guide to Open Source Vulnerability Management

You've realized you need to do a better job of tracking and managing your open source as well as the vulnerabilities and licenses associated with it. How hard can vulnerability management be? Do you really need special tools? After all, the license and vulnerability information is publicly available. Once you get a list of open source components and do some Google searching, you should be all set, right?

Lookout partners with Google to deliver Zero Trust and BeyondCorp vision for mobile devices

Productivity suites have changed the way we work With the advent of cloud productivity platforms, tablets and smartphones have become an integral part of our work and personal lives. At any time, we are one tap away from accessing the same content as our desktop computers. In some ways, mobile devices have replaced those traditional devices as our main productivity tool. To borrow a line from a current ad campaign for tablets – “your next computer is not a computer.”

Shared Responsibility and Configuration Management in the Cloud: SecTor 2020

A number of high-profile data breaches have resulted directly from misconfigured permissions or unpatched vulnerabilities. For instance, the 2017 Equifax breach was the result of exploiting an unpatched flaw in Apache Struts allowing remote code execution. More recently, the Capital One breach last year stemmed from a misconfigured web application firewall. Verizon’s 2020 DBIR reported that only hacking was more prevalent than misconfiguration errors as the culprit of data breaches.

Mobile App Security & Penetration Testing Gets Easier

In this video you will learn how to test your Mobile application for security issues & how can you secure your Mobile application against hackers. 👉 According to a survey, over 98% of mobile apps are not secure! This is due to one major fallacy in their app development practice which pushes security testing to the end of the development cycle.