Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Splunk Phantom

If you work on a security team, you probably deal with a complex security infrastructure, including a range of technologies from multiple sources, in addition to limited resources to defend your organization. Fortunately, there’s a better way. Splunk Phantom — your go-to SOAR solution — comes to the rescue by integrating your team, processes and tools so you can bring your best defense forward in no time flat.

Detectify for developers

Detectify is a scalable web app security scanner that automates 1000+ security tests to help you release secure applications. With Detectify, you can test your code with real exploits to identify and fix vulnerabilities in both staging and production environments. The service is continually updated with new security tests thanks to Detectify Crowdsource, a global network of handpicked security researchers.