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Top Security Threats Worldwide Q2 2024

Join WatchGuard CSO Corey Nachreiner and Director of Security Operations Marc Laliberte as they discuss key findings from the WatchGuard Threat Lab’s Q2 2024 Internet Security Report. You’ll learn about the latest malware trends, like malware volume dropping across all products but evasive “zero day” malware increasing. They’ll cover the top network exploits, like a 2019 Nginx vulnerability that threat actors targeted during the quarter. And they will share the most dangerous phishing and malware sites your users visited, and much more.

The Ultimate API Threat Report: How Wallarm Analyzes Attacks #Wallarm #dataanalysis

Discover how Wallarm gathers and analyzes real data on API attacks to create comprehensive security reports. By collecting data from Wallarm’s platform, public repositories, private sources, and security bulletins, Wallarm produces fact-based API threat stats without relying on opinions. This report provides deep insights into API vulnerabilities and attack trends, enhancing Wallarm’s API risk models and improving their security solutions. Download the full report now to stay informed on the latest API threats and protect your APIs effectively.

Planning with AI: Minimizing Uncertainty, Maximizing Trust

Gal Peretz is Head of AI & Data at Torq. Gal accelerates Torq’s AI and data initiatives, applying his deep learning and natural language processing expertise to advance AI-powered security automation. He also co-hosts the LangTalks podcast, which discusses the latest AI and LLM technologies. To stay ahead of today’s threats, you must do more than keep pace — you need to equip your team with tools that enable smarter, faster responses.

How to Detect Insider Threats (And Stop Them From Happening)

In early 2022, a Yahoo employee, Qian Sang, exploited his access to confidential information, and stole the company’s AdLearn product minutes after receiving a job offer from a competitor. By the time the breach was discovered, the damage was extensive, costing the company millions in fines, legal fees, and lost business . This incident is not an isolated case.

RMM vs. Dedicated Patch Management Solution: Which Patching Strategy Is the Best Option for You?

As attacks grow increasingly unpredictable and complex, cybersecurity defense requires much more than a basic strategy; it demands a proactive approach that anticipates the adversary's every move. Many MSPs entrusted with this critical mission by customers must equip themselves with the right technologies that prevent, detect, and respond to potential attacks and adapt as environments and organizational needs change.

Cracking Braodo Stealer: Analyzing Python Malware and Its Obfuscated Loader

Braodo Stealer is one of the many active and evolving malware families designed to steal sensitive information, such as credentials, cookies, and system data, from compromised machines. Typically written in Python, this malware employs a variety of obfuscation techniques to conceal its true intentions, making it challenging for security solutions to identify.