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Axis Security

Atmos CASB | Product Demo

Short for “Atmosphere,” Atmos uses 350 edge locations to elegantly connect users, and servers, to the business resources needed for work. The platform artfully integrates Atmos ZTNA, Atmos web Gateway, Atmos CASB, Atmos Experience, and several other innovative Atmos capabilities, into one, cloud-native platform that feels weightless, and is controlled by a single pane of glass.

Introducing Atmos: The SSE Platform Designed to Enable Work in Harmony

The modern workplace of today is an orchestra composed of users, devices, applications, and clouds – each playing their own tune, and constantly syncing, and changing. This orchestra is difficult to secure, challenging to see, complex, and extends far beyond the confines of the corporate network. It requires a solution designed to harmonize workplace connectivity.

Bringing Elegance to Secure Connectivity | Atmos by Axis

The modern workplace of today is an orchestra composed of users, devices, applications, and clouds - each playing their own tune, and constantly syncing, and changing. This orchestra is difficult to secure, challenging to see, complex, and extends far beyond the confines of the corporate network. It requires a solution designed to harmonize workplace connectivity.

Things to Ask Your SSE Vendor: Episode 4: Can You Securely Connect to AS400 via Agent and Agentless?

Not every application running in your environment will be a "modern" one. Many companies still use crown-jewel applications like AS400. The best SSE platforms can use zero trust network access (ZTNA) to securely access AS400 - not only when an agent is deployed on the device, but also through an agent-less RDP session as well. Can your SSE vendor do that?

Things to Ask Your SSE Vendor: Episode 3: How Easy Is Multi-Tenancy?

In this demo learn why it’s important for your SSE vendor to run on a modern cloud backbone (AWS Global Accelerator, GCP and Oracle Cloud etc.), with modern containers on top of them. You’ll be able to easily set up new tenants during an M&A or divestiture, easily set up tenants for third-party users, and allow DevOps teams to manage their own environment, in isolation. For end users, you’ll be able deliver a better user experience and improve performance while doing so.

How to Prepare for The Evolving Threat of Ransomware

Last week, when Russia advanced past Ukrainian borders we began to hear about the coordinated, hybrid attacks – spanning both cyber warfare and physical warfare – that lead up to the event. Phishing emails sent to the State Administration of Seaports of Ukraine sent earlier in February as a sort of advanced attack against Ukrainian ports. A new data wiper malware installed on hundreds of machines across Ukraine – reported within hours of Russia invading.