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Dependency Confusion Vulnerability Exposure Protections In GitGuardian SCA

Supply chain security can be a struggle. The GitGuardian Source Composition Analysis module scans your project's dependencies, comparing them against public repos. If it finds any matches between your internal packages and public ones, it flags them as potential dependency confusion risks.

GitGuardian SCA Makes It Easy To Manage SBOMs

GitGuardian SCA makes it easier than ever to build and group your SBOMs while staying up to date with any changes. Our Software Composition Analysis tool, better known as GitGuardian SCA, lets you instantly download up-to-date Software Bills of Material with the touch of a button. No more guessing if things have changed between the last version someone else generated and now. You'll never need to ask your developers to generate a fresh SBOM again.

Manage Open Source Dependency Licenses Easier With GitGuardian SCA

Get better insight into your third-party licenses and easily stay on top of any changes with GitGuardian Software Composition Analysis (SCA), you can now get a thorough view of all the licenses used by your applications' dependencies from a single view. In your dashboard under the SCA Dependencies view you can easily filter by each particular license used by the components in your applications. Easily check for any unexpected entries from the convenience of the GitGuardian workspace.

Introducing GitGuardian Software Composition Analysis (SCA)

Introducing GitGuardian Software Composition Analysis, further expanding the capabilities of our code security platform. You have long known GitGuardian for secrets detection and remediation, honeytokens, and IaC scanning. Now, with GitGuardian SCA, you can effortlessly scan your applications to detect known vulnerabilities introduced through both Direct & Transitive dependencies. The platform will automatically prioritize incidents depending on their context and help developers find the best path to remediating any issues.

10 Dimensions of Python Static Analysis

Python static analysis, also known as "linting", is a crucial aspect of software development. It involves inspecting your Python code without running it to identify potential bugs, programming errors, stylistic issues, or non-adhering patterns to predefined coding standards. It also helps identify vulnerabilities early in the development process, reducing the chances of deploying insecure code into production.

Available Now: Veracode Scan for JetBrains IDEs

Veracode Scan for VS Code was one of the big hits on the expo floor at the RSA Security conference in May this year. People liked the integration of Veracode Static, Veracode SCA, and Veracode Fix into a single extension, giving developers the tools to scan their code and resolve problems with AI assistance while they are actively developing code.

OSV Scanner vs npm-audit: A detailed comparison of SCA tools

The widespread adoption of external libraries and packages in the modern application development process introduces potential security risks that could impact the entire application. To address this, Software Composition Analysis (SCA) tools like npm-audit and OSV Scanner play an important role.