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Google's Office of the CISO Points the Way Towards Scaling Security

Amazon’s, Google’s and Microsoft’s experiences with building massive infrastructures for the world allows for some fascinating insights into the future of IT security at scale. As a result, when Google published The CISO’s Guide to Cloud Security Transformation earlier this year, I was curious about what priorities they saw in cloud security. It’s a short read, and it’s well worth the time invested in downloading a copy.

Confessions of a CISO

Ever wonder what really bugs a CISO. Well, do we have a story for you. In this Log’s Honest Truth podcast, presented in partnership with ITSP Magazine, Devo CISO JC Vega discusses the confessions of “Mr. T” (we disguised his face to protect his identity) a veteran CISO. Listen to the podcast. “Mr. T” faced three primary challenges: Next up, the confessions of “Mr. V,” a digital security and fraud director.

What in the World Is a CISO?

Whilst employment has taken a downward curve over the last year or so, there are a variety of approaches I use when applying for a role to help my CV stand out. One key point is knowing what the job entails before submitting my cover letter and CV. This allows me to tailor my message effectively. Additionally, it enables me to find positions that I might not have originally considered. One position I think more people should be aware of is a CISO.

CISO Soup: Data Breaches, Strategy and Cybersecurity Culture

For the longest time, those of us who occupy the role of the CISO have fought for our seat at the ‘big table.’ Although it appears some of us are being invited into the C-suite, there is still a long way for us to go.This is highlighted in a 2021 report provided BT, which places “CISOs under the spotlight” and illuminates some interesting and concerning issues that businesses need to address.

The Security Wisdom of the All-Knowing CISO

Have you ever noticed how closely your role as the CISO of your organisation resembles that of the Wizard from “The Wizard of Oz?” As the Wizard, you are expected to be all-knowing, all-seeing and all-powerful. Your role is to keep everyone safe from the evils of the world while frantically pulling levers, pressing buttons and turning dials behind the curtain.


As security practitioners, we all have things we want to be able to tell our CISO’s. We need to tell them we need more money, more headcount, we need to be able to tell them their baby (security program) is ugly. Everyone wants the ear of a CISO for the dollars they control. We just want their ear to help them understand what’s really going on in the industry and in their organization.

CISOs report that ransomware is now the biggest cybersecurity concern in 2021

As the number of remote working arrangements rose substantially in the last year, cybercriminals were quick to take advantage of these new opportunities. Spam and phishing emails increased in number even more rapidly than telecommuting, and company cybersecurity officers found themselves struggling to keep up. Phishing emails often came with a sinister sidekick - a ransomware attack.

CISO Insider S1E1 - "Cybersecurity is a mindset" with Ty Sbano, Part 1

At Nightfall, we believe in the power of learning from those who have done it before. That’s why we created CISO Insider — a podcast interview series that features CISOs and security executives with a broad set of backgrounds, from hyper-growth startups to established enterprises. Through these interviews, we’ll learn how industry experts overcame obstacles, navigated their infosec careers, and created an impact in their organizations.

Behind the Scenes with a CISO - What it Takes to Get More Sleep and Avoid Security Threats

Jason Ozin is the Group Information Security Officer at PIB, a fast-growing group of insurance advisory businesses in the UK, and Egnyte customer. Ozin is responsible for information security, cybersecurity, data governance, and compliance. PIB Group has grown rapidly since launching in 2015, building its team from 12 employees to over 1,400 today, through a combination of acquisitions and organic growth.

What is a virtual CISO?

Organization’s today host a wide range of information that, due to its external value to competitors, nation-states, or cybercriminals, needs to be properly protected. The role of a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) is to establish and maintain the organizational strategy and execution to protect its sensitive and valuable information assets and surrounding technologies.