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Automated Penetration Testing: 5 Benefits for CISOs

Research by Cybersecurity Ventures projects a doubling of the global cost of cybercrime in the 2015-2021 period from $3 trillion to $6 trillion. The escalation of cybercrime is closely related to the rapid expansion of the cyber attack surface. For instance, the total number of Internet users doubled between 2015 and 2018 from 2 billion to 4 billion, and is expected to hit 6 billion by 2022.

Why PAM Should Be a CISO's Top Priority

Privileged access management (PAM) consists of strategies and technologies for exerting control over the elevated (“privileged”) access and permissions for users, accounts, processes and systems across an IT environment. By implementing an appropriate level of privileged access controls, PAM helps organizations condense their organization’s attack surface and prevent, or at least mitigate, the damage arising from external attacks as well as from insider wrongdoing or negligence.

Leadership Through Security: The Changing Role of the CISO

The traditional career path for a chief information security officer (CISO) is fairly straightforward. An individual begins their career in IT but ultimately moves to security after demonstrating a security mindset. Once established within the ranks of information security, the professional receives promotion after promotion until they attain the title of CISO.

Modern Skills for Modern CISOs: Your Questions Answered

Sometimes your best intentions are thwarted by technology. That was the case when Thom Langford and I attempted to do a Q&A session after our webinar “Modern Skills for Modern CISOs.” Unfortunately, the session ended before we got the chance to answer the questions that the audience had submitted. The silver lining is that we had the chance to write our answers thoughtfully instead of answering them on the spot.

Being a CISO Isn't Just About Information Security - It's About Building a Stronger Business Strategy

Gone are the days when being a CISO (or even just ‘the security guy’) was about actual information security or IT security. Even the term IT security is outdated now, as it emphasizes a one-dimensional view of what security is really about. However, I digress…

The 4 Questions Industrial CISOs Need to Ask When Evaluating a Cybersecurity Tool

Cybersecurity is finally reaching the shop floor in earnest thanks to new technology that works with—not against—the legacy equipment that runs most industrial control systems (ICS). That being said, industrial companies and organizations in sectors like manufacturing, energy, utilities, transportation and water treatment can be slow to adapt to the new cybersecurity tools at their disposal because they present a new way of operating in an industry that’s set in its ways.