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CISO Insider - S3E3 - The DLP journey with Brent Lassi

Bluecore CISO Brent Lassi joins Chris Martinez on CISO Insider to chat about the many things he’s seen and learned and worked on over two decades in the cybersecurity industry. From founding one of the first application security companies in the world, to following the evolution of DLP over the years, to now working in a cloud-native world without a traditional perimeter and how these challenges led him to Nightfall, Brent has many stories to tell.

Common Mistakes Chief Security Officers Make

Here are 3 common mistakes chief security officers (CSO) make: Not prioritizing risks: Certain things might feel risky, but they’re not, while certain other things might feel safe, but they’re risky. Example: A turbulent flight feels dangerous but is often not, whereas passive smoking might feel safe but is highly risky. A good CSO can differentiate between what “feels” risky and actual risk. This allows them to prioritize and mitigate risks effectively. Not alternating between business and technical hats.

Talking About the CISO Mental Health Crisis

For the past 20 years, I’ve served as CISO for companies across different sectors. In this role, I have shouldered responsibility for protecting each organization from a wide swath of rapidly developing cybersecurity threats. I have also learned firsthand how much stress security leaders face day-to-day. Recent conversations with my peers have shown stress in cybersecurity is an industry-wide problem. The CISO role is one of the most stressful in any organization.

Navigating Change Results - The CISO and CTO View

The Results are In Diverse approaches, but consistent cost savings. Our latest research shows European CIO and CISO intentions and practices at a time of huge security and networking change. See the key findings, dig into the results and hear analysis of what it all means directly from our EMEA CISO Neil Thacker and VP Vice President, Sales Engineering, EMEA/LATAM, Andy Aplin. What does network and security transformation mean in practice for teams, budgets, skills and suppliers? View our video & infographic for the key headlines – then request our Ebook for the full picture.

CISO Insider - S3E2 - Driving diversity in infosec with Lisa Hall

PagerDuty Head of Information Security Lisa Hall joins us on CISO Insider for an in-depth discussion on what diversity in the infosec industry really looks like — not just hiring to meet DEI quotas, but fostering differences to build strengths across the board. Diversity in thought and background among her staff is a success factor for Lisa’s team, and it leads to greater diversity in the work they do at PagerDuty.

A Day In The Life Of A Field CISO - Steve Kinman

CISO Journey What is a like CISO role? what was it like an operational ciso v/s a field ciso? like rght now we are talking only about log4j issues and how it would have been for you. What would have been your strategy? Have you seen other field Cxo’s? What is one Unique thing, you are trying to implement? How different is this role from a regular CISO?

A CISO's Point of View on Log4j

No sooner did word start to spread about Apache Log4j that the usual torrent of blaring headlines, vendor marketing, and tips and tricks-style “information” quickly followed. You can find plenty of solid technical analysis out there about Log4j, and we’ve already posted information about Netskope protections and threat coverage from Netskope Threat Labs. But that’s not this post.

CISO Insider - S3E1 - Radical transparency with Robert Former

In our Season 3 premiere of CISO Insider, Acquia VP of Security and CISO Robert Former discusses working as a cybersecurity leader today. Robert shares how radical transparency has helped him at every step of his career: making the right decisions for his org by accepting the right levels of risk, effectively managing data security and compliance in a Platform as a Service environment, and maintaining the connections necessary to make remote work successful.

Is fighting cybercrime a losing battle for today's CISO?

At times, the quest to stay on top of web application security can seem futile. It seems as though the adversaries are always a step ahead, and all we can do is try our best to contain the breaches. In this blog, we’ll look at the root causes of concern for today's CISO and share some practical strategies to deter cybercriminals.