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5 Tips for the CISO Looking to Get a Handle on Cloud Security

Over the last 18 months, cloud application use has skyrocketed, with the average organisation with 500-2,000 employees now using 805 different cloud applications. This is a staggering level of new risk for CISOs to get their heads around. At the same time that cloud use has grown, so too have the efforts of malicious actors to target cloud applications which are all too often poorly secured and present a constant opportunity of unsecured data to compromise.

A CISO's Guide to Log Management for Cybersecurity

In today’s highly interconnected worlds, CISOs face a dual challenge: protecting data and reporting to the Board of Directors. Log management has long been a tool in the CISO’s back pocket, helping gain insight into potential security issues. However, the rise of cloud-based infrastructures changes this, making log management increasingly difficult.

What is virtual CISO? Benefits of a vCISO for your organisation

Cybersecurity is an ever-changing landscape, and it’s essential to have the right people on your team, like a virtual chief information security officer. This person can help you protect yourself from cyberattacks by building out cyber security programming, including infrastructure protection, data management, and customer privacy concerns.

CISO Dashboard

Help upper management understand KPIs for your security program. Netskope, the SASE leader, safely and quickly connects users directly to the internet, any application, and their infrastructure from any device, on or off the network. With CASB, SWG, and ZTNA built natively in a single platform, Netskope is fast everywhere, data-centric, and cloud smart, all while enabling good digital citizenship and providing a lower total-cost-of-ownership.

Optimization is the CISO's COVID Endgame

When the COVID-19 pandemic descended on the U.S., companies took a no-holds-barred approach to maintain their operations. Employees up and down organizational structures were told to work from home, and IT teams were tasked with making that happen. The timeline was short, and approval processes moved quickly, which meant changes to network access and security were made more quickly, and in some cases more haphazardly, than in a “normal” situation.

The Changing Role of the CISO

Back in the early days of networking, many companies assigned all of the responsibilities to anyone who showed any aptitude towards operating a computer. In many companies, this was an accountant or someone else who also managed sensitive financial information. The assumption was that the person managing the corporate books was the most trustworthy person in the organization.

Protect yourself from the unknown?

This is a story of an emperor who wanted to protect people and grow his empire. Once he had to face the biggest battle. He conquered the battle through back door intelligence of the enemy. With a risk-based approach he was able to predict the actions of the enemy. This made him invincible. In today’s world, CISO organization faces the same battle but against the cyber war and are therefore are under constant pressure to protect organization.

CISO Insider - S2E7 - Season 2 recap

Today on CISO Insider it’s our season 2 recap episode, featuring the best quotes and highlights from our six episodes in season 2. We gathered insights, lessons, and other valuable soundbites from CISOs and security leaders at Even Financial, Segment, MongoDB, One Main Financial, and Datadog. Hear from our brilliant guests and make sure to catch their episodes featuring our full interviews for a deep dive into cybersecurity, leadership, and much more.

CISO Insider - S2E6 - Data is trust with Emilio Escobar

Datadog CISO Emilio Escobar joins Chris Martinez on CISO Insider for a discussion on data security approaches for today’s cloud-first world. Emilio shares how he sees infosec: creating security responses based on people and teams over brute force blocking of apps and systems. This approach allows Datadog to defeat the enemy of complexity in IT service quality, and helps build a more inclusive culture at the company. By seeing data as trust, Emilio can influence his teams to find better solutions to data security problems and learn from typical pain points. We get into all this and a lot more in the chat today.

Hello CISO - Episode 1 (Part 1): The Downfall of On-Premise Security

In the beginning, there was on-premise. Then things got complicated. Hello CISO is a new series aimed at Chief Information Security Officers, IT security teams, and all other members of an organization responsible for maintaining the safety and integrity of the business and its operations. "The responsibilities of the modern CISO are expanding as digital infrastructure grows more complex. It’s no longer feasible to protect against every single threat, so you have to think more strategically. We need to work smarter, not harder – and that’s what I want to explore in this series."