Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


The No-Cost Way to Level Up Your Cybersecurity Posture

In recent weeks President Biden issued a statement encouraging organizations to level up their cyber defenses in what he called “a critical moment to improve domestic cybersecurity and bolster national resilience.” The following week, the federal budget proposal for FY2023 was released with a nearly $11 billion line item for cybersecurity measures.

Out of Band (OOB) Data Exfiltration via DNS

Last week, I attended the NotSoSecure Advanced Web Hacking training. While there were plenty of interesting topics taught, one that caught my attention was Out-of-Band (OOB) Data Exfiltration using DNS. Back in 2018, NotSoSecure published an Out of Band Exploitation (OOB) CheatSheet. In that document, they cover methods by which you can exfiltrate data. One of these uses files written to disk and multiple DNS queries to send large chunks of data.

How to decide if a network digital twin is right for your company - Consider these ten questions

Interest in digital twin technology is on the rise, likely driven by the pressure placed on IT teams to ensure that their networks are predictable, agile, and secure. Network and security operations teams are actively investigating how implementing a digital twin can help their teams become more proactive and provide confidence that the network will behave as expected, even in the face of constant change.

Proactive Compliance Verification for Network Security

Regulatory compliance can cost teams valuable time and money. Forward Enterprise's security posture verification can relieve this burden and prove that your network behavior conforms with corporate policy intent in real-time. In this demonstration, Technical Solutions Architect, Glen Turner shows us how operators can use Forward to prove the network meets PCI DSS regulatory requirements.

CloudFlow: Application Centric Risk Analysis And Remediation Using Tags

In addition to the ability to filter risks for cloud types, accounts and regions, you can now focus your risk analysis and remediation on specific categories of risks identified by tags (key/value combinations) applied to the cloud platform assets. Customers can leverage this capability to focus on analyzing and remediating risks related to specific applications.