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How to Prevent Expensive Cloud Routing Surprises With Proactive Intent Verification

A six-figure surprise is awesome when it’s a lottery win. It’s not so awesome when it’s the “Amount Due” appearing in your monthly cloud bill. But enterprises receive these “surprises” all the time, and what can sting even more is trying to explain this preventable expense to management. Inefficient (not optimized) traffic routing to and from your various cloud instances and other services can hurt your business in other ways too.

SANS 2022 Ransomware Defense Report

The years 2020 and 2021 were undoubtedly the years of ransomware. Threat actors wasted no time taking advantage of the chaos caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, launching attacks that netted millions (if not billions) of dollars in extortion fees and leaked a record amount of data from victim organizations. On this webcast, we will look at how ransomware defenses have changed from 2020 through 2022. The webcast will also explore ransomware threat actor changes, current trends, and how to implement defenses against those trends.

Know your environment: Tenable/Corelight integration for prioritized IDS alerts

One of the major causes of alert fatigue for SOCs is a class of alerts that fall in between false positives and useful detections: when an actual attack has been launched, and the detection is working correctly, but the host on the receiving end is not vulnerable, guaranteeing that the attack will fail.

New Supply Chain Vulnerabilities Impact Medical and IoT Devices

Forescout’s Vedere Labs, in partnership with CyberMDX, have discovered a set of seven new vulnerabilities affecting PTC’s Axeda agent, which we are collectively calling Access:7. Three of the vulnerabilities were rated critical by CISA, as they could enable hackers to remotely execute malicious code and take full control of devices, access sensitive data or alter configurations in impacted devices.

One SIEM is not enough?

The idea behind the SIEM (and now XDR!) technologies was to provide a single engine at the heart of the SOC, aggregating data, enabling analytics and powering workflow automation. The SIEM would act as one place to train analysts and integrate a range of complementary technologies and processes. Given the efficiency that comes from centralization, I was surprised to hear that a growing number of defenders are actually using two SIEMs. Why is that?

Monitoring Cyber Threats Tied to the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Beyond the disturbing images of the invasion of Ukraine that began February 24 are the invisible cyberattacks that preceded it and continue to be waged on Ukraine by Russian state-sponsored and other threat actors, which also threaten the West. Vedere Labs, Forescout’s threat intelligence and research team, is closely monitoring the evolution of cyber activities connected to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

Reverse Proxy Vs. Load Balancer

A reverse proxy server (or reverse proxy) facilitates a user’s requests to a web server/application server and the server’s response. A load balancer receives user requests, distributes them accordingly among a group of servers, then forwards each server response to its respective user. From the brief definitions above, it’s clear that reverse proxies and load balancers have some overlapping functionalities.

View All Your Clouds in a Single Pane of Glass

If your enterprise is like most of Forward Networks’ customers, then your IT shop oversees a sizable cloud estate. You probably have hundreds of accounts, projects, or subscriptions across different cloud vendors. There are tons of related objects too — virtual machines, firewalls, transit gateways, subnets, and more. And cloud-native apps? Maybe you hundreds of those in use or development as well.