Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Testing your Okta visibility and detection with Dorothy and Elastic Security

When approached by stakeholders in their organization, few security teams can confidently demonstrate that logging and alerting capabilities are working as expected. Organizations have become more distributed and reliant on cloud offerings for use cases such as identity and access management, user productivity, and file storage. Meanwhile, adversaries have extended their operational capabilities in cloud environments.

Building your modern SIEM, Unique security requirements for cloud and modern technologies

Digital transformation has changed the attack surface, and organizations are generating more data than ever before. What does this mean from a security standpoint? Attend this session and hear more about what makes a modern SaaS SIEM solution and why it’s critical for detecting threats across your hybrid and multi-cloud infrastructures. Finally, we’ll explore what tomorrow’s SIEM might look like.

The Third Critical Step to Building the Modern SOC

The new Devo eBook, Building the Modern SOC, presents four evolutionary steps for creating a highly automated and efficient security operations center (SOC) that empowers analysts. This is the third in a series of posts highlighting the most important elements of the four steps. Previous posts covered Step 1, establishing a foundation of centralized, scalable visibility, and Step 2, extracting intelligent insights from your data.

Something Else To Be Thankful For: Splunk Security Essentials 3.2.2

Well, it’s been a while since you read a blog dedicated to the latest release – okay, the latest several releases – of Splunk Security Essentials (SSE). We have been busy behind the scenes, however, so let’s catch you up on SSE’s latest features, which include the new version of our content API, and externally with updates from MITRE and the release of ATT&CK v7.2 (with Sub-Techniques) and ATT&CK v8.

The Second Critical Step to Building the Modern SOC

The new Devo eBook, Building the Modern SOC, presents four evolutionary steps for creating a highly automated and efficient security operations center (SOC) that empowers analysts. This is the second in a series of posts about the four steps that highlight some of the most important concepts. The first post covered Step 1, which is about establishing a foundation of centralized, scalable visibility. This post excerpts Step 2, extracting intelligent insights from your data.

IT security under attack blog series: Instant domain persistence by registering a rogue domain controller

In this blog in the IT security under attack series, we will learn about an advanced Active Directory (AD) domain controller (DC) attack to obtain persistence in AD environments. Dubbed DCShadow, this is a late-stage kill chain attack that allows a threat actor with admin (domain or enterprise admin) credentials to leverage the replication mechanism in AD to register a rogue domain controller in order to inject backdoor changes to an AD domain.