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DoD's Cyber Posture: A Focus on Automation

The importance of the security of the Department of Defense’s (DoD’s) networks is no secret (well, of course a lot of it is secret!). This is evidenced by the Department’s IT/cybersecurity budget request that annually tops $40 billion dollars. Last year’s IT and Cyberspace Activities Budget Overview perhaps said it best.

How to Mitigate DDoS Attacks with Log Analytics

Is your organization prepared to mitigate Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks against mission-critical cloud-based applications? A DDoS attack is a cyber attack that uses bots to flood the targeted server or application with junk traffic, exhausting its resources and disrupting service for real human users. DDoS attacks are on the rise, with over 4.83 million attacks reported in the first half of 2020 - an increase of more than 250% compared to the same period in 2019.

Detecting Credit Card Fraud Using SMLE

Organizations lose billions of dollars to fraud each year. For instance, the financial services sector projects losses to reach $40 billion per year in the next 5-7 years unless financial institutions, merchants, and consumers become more diligent about fraud detection and prevention. Splunk delivers integrated enterprise fraud management software that quickly defines behavior patterns and protects enterprise information from malicious actors.

I Am Devo

In their debut LP, Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo!, the band introduces their defining theme that mankind’s evolution has reached the point—devolved to the point, actually—that we are converging on sameness… emotionless and robotic. This notion informed everything from the way Devo dressed (awesome!), to the music they wrote, to the way they performed. What does the band Devo’s theme of devolution have to do with me joining a software company of the same name?

Coralogix - Panel Discussion: Elasticsearch is Not Open Source Anymore

Does SSPL license endanger your intellectual property? As of January 2021, Elasticsearch is no longer open source. From version 7.11 and onwards, all ELK products (Elastic, Logstash, Kibana) will be registered under the new SSPL license created by Mongo and now adopted by Elastic. In this panel, our IP expert lawyer discusses the new license and helps explain whether it impacts your business or puts it at risk.

Network Security: The Journey from Chewiness to Zero Trust Networking

Network security has changed a lot over the years, it had to. From wide open infrastructures to tightly controlled environments, the standard practices of network security have grown more and more sophisticated. This post will take us back in time to look at the journey that a typical network has been on over the past 15+ years. From a wide open, “chewy” network, all the way to zero trust networking. Let’s get started.

Improve Your Security Posture By Focusing on Velocity, Visibility, and Vectors

In the wake of the widely publicized FireEye breach and the alarming SolarWinds supply chain attack, this presents an ideal opportunity for reflection on the broader shift taking place across the world—the transition from legacy on-prem infrastructures to the cloud.

Yes, Virginia, There is a -Santa Claus- Way to Detect Unemployment Fraud

Fraud rates for Unemployment Insurance Benefits (UIB) and Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) are out of control. In May 2020, Brian Krebs of Krebsonsecurity published two articles detailing fraud that was occurring in several different state’s UIB portals. These states had been warned by the US Secret Service to be on the lookout for this. Reading the articles, the common theme is that many states are missing rudimentary controls for combating fraud.