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Detecting & Preventing Ransomware Through Log Management

As companies responded to the COVID-19 pandemic with remote work, cybercriminals increased their social engineering and ransomware attack methodologies. Ransomware, malicious code that automatically downloads to a user’s device and locks it from further use, has been rampant since the beginning of March 2020. According to a 2020 report by Bitdefender, ransomware attacks increased by seven times when compared year-over-year to 2019.

Logging of security events in SIEM

Effective logging of events and activities in an organization’s technical infrastructure exponentially boosts the capabilities of its SIEM solution. In this article, we explore how logs are leveraged in a SIEM solution. First off, log entries can be helpful for multiple purposes such as security, performance analysis, troubleshooting, etc. Considering the size of a modern enterprise’s IT technical infrastructure, monitoring the network alone is not a favorable approach.

AWS threat detection using CloudTrail and Sysdig Secure

Implementing AWS threat detection with Sysdig Secure takes just a few minutes. Discover how to improve the security of your cloud infrastructure using AWS CloudTrail and Sysdig Cloud Connector. With the rise of microservices and DevOps practices, a new level of dangerous actors threatens the cloud environment that governs all of your infrastructure. A malicious or inattentive cloud API request could have a sizable impact on availability, performance, and last but not least, billing.

Best Practices for Delivering a Business-Driven Security Posture

The main focus for cybersecurity teams — moving beyond compliance — is to deliver the level of security required to manage the likelihood of a breach and the potential impact to the business. This is more effective than simply focusing on the cost of delivering security services.

Leveraging logs to better secure cloud-native applications

With the growing popularity of cloud computing, security incidents related to it have been on the rise. Logs are indispensable resources for countering these threats, and they can be utilized for alerting, taking remedial action, and even preventing future attacks. In this post, we will examine ways to better secure cloud-native applications using logs.

Imperatives for Today's Security Transformation

Industry research firm Gartner asked cybersecurity thought leaders to submit a video of themselves answering the question “What are your customers’ top security priorities?” for the Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit, a virtual event for the EMEA region held this month. Julian Waits, general manager of cybersecurity for Devo, was among those to whom Gartner posed the question. His video is below, and this blog post offers an expanded version of his response.

ELK - Not Just For The Nice Visitors

Most of the applications we see for the ELK stack are from businesses which want to improve their customers' experience. To return relevant search results and to create Kibana dashboards that allow them to analyse data and give the customers what they want. But there are some cases where the customer is always wrong, and where the last thing you want to do is give a site visitor what he wants. Welcome to the world of forensics, compliance and fraud detection.

Why Threat Intelligence Sharing is the Future of SOC Analyst Productivity

With all the cyberthreats around today, security operations center (SOC) analysts need the right tools to identify, respond to, and stop those threats. Increasingly, threat intelligence sharing is one of the key tools for preventing threat actors from breaching organizations’ network, infrastructure, and operational environments, including the cloud.

Monitor Alcide kAudit logs with Datadog

Kubernetes audit logs contain detailed information about every request to the Kubernetes API server and are critical to detecting misconfigurations and vulnerabilities in your clusters. But because even a small Kubernetes environment can rapidly generate lots of audit logs, it’s very difficult to manually analyze them.

Don't Let Security Go Up, Up and Away (in the Clouds), Start with Data

Security teams can’t defend what they can’t see. As organizations move more workloads to the cloud, security teams need added visibility into these new workloads or risk having blind spots that lead to compromise. In the first installment of our "Getting Data In" webinar series, "Modernizing your SOC for the Cloud Age Starts with Security Foundations," we demonstrate how to quickly and easily onboard data into Splunk Cloud.