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Microsoft 365

Trustwave SpiderLabs Detects Spike in Greatness Phishing Kit Attacks on Microsoft 365 Users

Trustwave SpiderLabs is tracking a spike in usage of the Greatness phishing kit to attack Microsoft 365 users to distribute malicious HTML attachments that steal login credentials. Greatness is a phishing-as-a-service platform developed by a threat actor known as "fisherstell," and has been available since mid-2022 that provides a ready-made infrastructure and tools for anyone to launch phishing campaigns charging $120 per month in Bitcoin.

Office 365 Ransomware Protection

Most organizations today rely on Entra ID (formerly Azure AD) and Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365) for core business operations. But how secure are these vital platforms against ransomware? This article explores the key concern concerns in Entra ID and Microsoft 365 and details the key security controls they offer to block, detect and recover from ransomware. Then it offers a robust solution that can further safeguard your data and IT systems.

Ensuring Microsoft 365 Data Security and Compliance with Veeam

As of 2023, Microsoft Office 365 is utilized by over a million companies globally, according to a recent Statista report. It has become an indispensable tool for organizations as they adapt to hybrid workforces and a global economy, leveraging its collaborative power and the need for a robust data protection strategy. At the core of Microsoft 365’s security framework lies the Shared Responsibility Model, delineating the responsibilities of Microsoft and organizations using their services.

Hunting M365 Invaders: Blue Team's Guide to Initial Access Vectors

Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365) is Microsoft's cloud-based suite of productivity tools, which includes email, collaboration platforms, and office applications. All are integrated with Entra ID (referred to as Azure AD in this post) for identity and access management. M365’s centralized storage of organizational data, combined with its ubiquity and widespread adoption, make it a common target of threat actors.

Top 3 Office 365 Backup solutions for 2024

In the dynamic landscape of modern business operations, data plays a pivotal role in driving productivity and decision-making. As organizations increasingly rely on Microsoft Office 365 for their collaborative and communication needs, the importance of securing and preserving this data has never been more critical.

Friday Flows Episode 17: How to authenticate Microsoft Teams for use with Tines

Tines & Teams... has a nice ring to it! Rosie Halpin, our newest Product Manager, walks through the new & improved ways to quickly get connected, start sending messages, and build powerful automations that send relevant information to users in Teams. Aaron Sandow said it's now so simple & easy to use he could teach his grandparents to connect Tines to Teams!

Permissions Auditing in Microsoft 365 and SharePoint

Regularly reviewing user permissions is important to reduce the risk of data overexposure and breaches. Overpermissioned users pose a significant security risk. Restricting access to only necessary information for individuals to perform their jobs can significantly reduce risk. By conducting regular permissions audits in Microsoft 365 and SharePoint, organizations can ensure that sensitive information access remains appropriate, safe and secure.