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Binge in Private: What Are the Most Secure Streaming Services?

Streaming platforms have become the go-to option for entertainment, especially in the wake of the pandemic. However, with an increase in the number of streaming services, the security concerns surrounding them have also escalated. While you may be enjoying your favorite TV shows or movies, have you ever wondered whether your private data is safe from prying eyes? We'll take a closer look at the most secure streaming services that provide peace of mind while you stream.

Cerebral Unintentionally Leaks Patient Data to Google, Meta, and TikTok

Cerebral is an online mental health company that's attempting to bring mental health care to patients around the country virtually. The company deals with tens of thousands of patients, and we've just learned that many of those patients may have had their information exposed to companies like Meta, Google, and TikTok. Cerebral is a startup company, and unfortunately, it isn't that unusual for startups to suffer from data issues such as this one.

Guild Education Gives Salt an A+ for API Protection

Keeping our customers’ data safe so that they can move forward with business innovation is our constant north star here at Salt. But it’s even more gratifying when our mission is in service to a higher purpose, as it is with today’s announcement of our deployment at Guild Education. With its Career Opportunity Platform, Guild Education helps employees forge a better career path through education.

Top 10 Data Discovery Tools That Get Results

As businesses access larger and more intricate datasets, data discovery has become a key component in successful data analysis. By uncovering meaningful patterns and insights in datasets, data discovery helps organizations better understand their customers, products, and processes to enable optimum decision-making. With the correct tools and strategies, data discovery can be invaluable in helping organizations maximize the value of their data.

4 Steps to Safeguarding SD-WAN in Response to Rise of Remote Work

Ensuring employees operate securely regardless of location has grown in importance over the last several years as the number of people working remotely has exploded. These workers are most likely operating within a software-defined wide area network (SD-WAN). They use SD-WAN to work with data that is now processed more and more in many different cloud services.

Government Frameworks and Regulations for Insider Threats

Government offices deal with sensitive information all the time. In fact, they deal with the most sensitive kinds of information—classified information, data assets requiring security clearance, or other kinds of classified material subject to additional government requirements. So how do governments deal with insider threats? The federal government has established some pretty extensive and detailed policies to keep data safe.

Security Operations Maturity Model I : Measuring SOC performance

Companies need to measure performance in all areas of operations to check whether they are proving cost-effective and achieving the desired results. One of the best ways for security managers to demonstrate that their security operations program is aligned with business objectives is to use metrics that demonstrate efficiency and effectiveness.

How Retiring Gas and Coal Plants Affects Grid Stability

Legacy gas and coal plants are being aged out – and no one wants to pay enough to keep them going. With increased pressure from green energy laws and added competition from renewable sources, these monsters of Old Power are being shown the door. Considering they've predated and precipitated all Industrial Revolutions (except for this last one – that was digital), it's safe to say they've had a good long run. So, what's the fuss?