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How to recover instantly using Disk Mount Recovery

The Disk Mount Recovery option mounts the backed-up VM’s disk to the Disk Management Service of the Microsoft Windows machine on which the BDRSuite Backup Server is hosted; it is done through BDRSuite Virtual Drive that grants access to your backup data instantly through the file explorer, without having to restore the entire backup.

How to Perform Download Disk with BDRSuite

Download Disk allows you to perform Cross Hypervisor Migration (V2V) allows converting VMs from VMware to Hyper-V environment and vice versa, giving you the flexibility needed for variable use cases. Backups can be exposed and downloaded in a different virtual formats – VHD, VHDX, Flat-VMDK, VMDK, or RAW. Restore and attach specific VM Disks to the same/different virtual machine to access the files/folders.